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    daishu521 reacted to toxic_orator for a file, 1-10 Druid   
    None of the other druid profiles seem to work at all for 1-10. This one actually works without getting stuck.
    It casts wrath until the mob gets near, then it keeps up moonfire and melees while casting rejuv to keep health up. Also it keeps up mark and thorns.
    Works very well, you could use this longer until your quest profile gets bear form for you.
  2. Like
    daishu521 reacted to Zer0 for a file, [Free] Project Wholesome - TBC AIO – 13 solo rotations + 18 party rotations   
    I’m proud to present to you my All-In-One TBC FightClasses which includes 13 solo rotations and 18 party rotation.
    SOLO Feral
    PARTY Feral Tank
    PARTY Feral DPS
    PARTY Restoration

    SOLO Beast Mastery
    PARTY Beast Mastery

      SOLO Frost
    SOLO Fire
    SOLO Arcane
    PARTY Frost
    PARTY Fire
    PARTY Arcane
    SOLO Retribution
    PARTY Protection
    PARTY Retribution
    PARTY Holy
      SOLO Shadow
    PARTY Shadow
    PARTY Holy
      SOLO Combat
    PARTY Combat

      SOLO Enhancement
    SOLO Elemental
    PARTY Enhancement
    PARTY Restoration SOLO Affliction
    SOLO Demonology
    PARTY Affliction
    SOLO Fury
    PARTY Fury
    PARTY Protection

      SOLO rotations are designed around smooth grinding, prioritizing combat uptime over high DPS.
    PARTY rotations are designed for group plays, especially dungeons. It handles tanking, healing and DPS.
    This file only works with the English client of the game.
    How to install
    Copy the .dll file into your FightClass folder, and then select it in the General Settings tab of WRobot. The AIO will automatically detect your class and launch the appropriate Rotation. If the FC supports multiple rotations for your class, don't forget to choose your rotation in the settings under the "Rotation" tab.
    Party rotations
    Party rotations are made for group plays (Party and Raids). Make sure you select a party rotation for all your bots if you intend to group them together.
    With the party product

    Turn "Resurrect when dead" off. The AIO can handle party resurrection (casting the res spell and accepting the resurrection), but not if your bot has released.
    WRobot settings:

    Make sure this option is turned on (General settings -> Class / Fight Class), otherwise your characters will not assist the tank.
    - The Party product does not handle resting states. I have added a setting to force drinking when out of combat under a certain mana percentage threshold. Keep in mind that any State can interrupt the drinking (Follow/Loot/Combat...). Leave empty to turn it off, if you're not sure how to use it. 

    - All tanks rotation have a setting to automatically switch to a target that is attacking a group member in order to regain aggro. It only switches target. Which means it doesn't fire a new fighting state. It is designed to work with the WRotation product.

    These options are here to try and fill in the gaps of the Party product. Keep in mind that it is normally not the FC's job to handle States or Targeting.
    It is possible to complete dungeons with 5 WRobot bots. Until a Dungeon product is available, the best way to do it is to control your tank with WRotation and have all the other members follow them with the Party product.
    Automatic Talent Assignation
    This AIO Fight Class can automatically assign talents. The option is deactivated by default. It must be manually activated in the settings. Each class comes with a default recommended talent build. If you use the recommended build, Make sure to reset your talents in the game beforehand in case of mismatch. Talent checks will be done at the start of the Fight Class, and then every 5 minutes.
    You also have the option to input your own talent build. In order to do so, please use http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/ and then copy the code that comes after the URL once your build is done. Talents will be learned in order from left to right. Therefore, several talent codes can be set in the settings for sequential learning.
    Please note that PARTY rotations and SOLO rotations have different default talents code.
    This FC comes with an autoupdater. Every time you press play, it will check if a new version is available. If it finds one, it automatically installs it and restarts.
    This AIO is free to use and share, although I have set up a Paypal donation link in case you are happy with my work and want to encourage me with a donation.

    Project Wholesome – A quick word

    The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project is transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. Nothing released under Project Wholesome is sold for profit, although individual donations are welcome. We are always looking for more testers and developers. If you want to participate, please join our Discord channel.
    Wholesome team Discord: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6
    Wholesome team Club: https://wrobot.eu/clubs/9-wholesome-team/
    Special thanks
    Special thanks to the entire Wholesome team for their help and feedback, in particular:
    @Marsbar for the launcher
    @Talamin for his support and help
    @Kamogli, @Energia and @g2bazman for their great testing and feedback
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    daishu521 reacted to Zer0 for a file, [Free] Wholesome Inventory Manager   
    Hi guys, The Wholesome team is proud to present the Wholesome Inventory Manager plugin.
    This plugin has been created to facilitate items and inventory management. It comes with easy-to-use presets and advanced options for the user to fine-tune its usage.
    How to install
    Copy the .dll file into WRobot's Plugin folder and enable it in the Plugins tab of WRobot.
    This plugin comes with an autoupdater. Every time you press play, it checks if a new version is available. If it finds one, it automatically installs it and restarts the product.
    Auto Equip Gear: The plugin will regularly scan your inventory and check for better gear to equip. Each piece of equipment will be attributed a gear score according to the user defined stat weights.
    Auto Equip Bags: It can also equip larger bags. You can also choose to equip ammo containers such as quivers and ammo pouches.
    Stat Weights: Gear selection will rely on each gear item's weight score. The weight score of items is calculated according to the weight stats set by the user. If you choose to let the plugin autodetect your weight stats, it will choose a preset according to your detected class and specialization. It will also update its preset each time you assign a talent point, in case of spec change.
    All presets were copied from Pawn with a few adjustments, which means it's mostly suited for late-game content. You can also choose to input your own stat weights. 
    Quest Reward Selection: The plugin can select quest rewards for you. It will either choose an item you want to equip (higher weight score than currently equipped) or the one with the highest sell price.
    Loot Filter: You can choose to auto-delete items that match your settings. The loot filter is disabled by default. Be very careful with its configuration. The plugin will delete items in your bags without asking for confirmation and with no chance to recover them.
    By Quality: Each quality has 3 settings: KEEP, ANY, and DELETE.
    KEEP means that no matter the other options, items of this quality will never be deleted.
    ANY means that items of this quality will be deleted if it matches other criterias.
    DELETE means that items of this quality will always be deleted.
    By Value: Items that are worth less than the set value, and that have the ANY setting for the quality will be deleted.
    The loot filter will never delete an item that is in your WRobot Do Not Sell list.
    Other filter criterias might be added on demand.
    Project Wholesome – A quick word

    The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project is transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. Nothing released under Project Wholesome is sold for profit, although individual donations are welcome. We are always looking for more testers and developers. If you want to participate, please join our Discord channel.
    Project Wholesome Discord: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6
    Special thanks
    Special thanks to the entire Wholesome team, as usual, for their support and help.
  4. Thanks
    daishu521 reacted to Matenia for a file, WhatsGoingOn - Showing bot status ingame   
    Quickly thrown together plugin that creates a frame in game and shows what your bot is currently doing so you don't have to check the bot status all the time.
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