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Everything posted by Pudge

  1. wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.UpdateSpellBook(); if(wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.ExistSpellBook("White Kodo")) { Logging.Write("Exist"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = "White Kodo"; } or use lua check if (Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(@"for i=1,GetNumCompanions('MOUNT') do _,creatureName = GetCompanionInfo('MOUNT', i) if creatureName == 'White Kodo' then return true end end")) { Logging.Write("Exist"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = "White Kodo"; } both should work
  2. try wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.ExistSpellBook("mount name");
  3. Hello! I don't quite understand if it's a bug or not ... Sometimes when a bot makes a quest with a click on an object, for example, a portal click from city 1 to city 2, it sometimes ignores the "Is complete condition" and continues to run somewhere further. For example: Quest: PortalFromDalaranToExodar. The code for this quest (only 1 line): wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithGameObject(new Vector3(5699.33, 735.217, 641.767), 191007); return true; Is complete condition for this quest: return !ObjectManager.Me.IsAlliance || Usefuls.MapZoneName == "The Exodar"; "Not required in quest log" set to true. But, as soon as bot crosses the portal and finds himself in the Exodar - he continues to run along some coordinate! It seems this is the coordinate of Dalaran portal to Exodar, but at this moment the bot is "blind" and does not see that it is already in the Exodar! I tried adding Thread.Sleep after the interact with portal code, but the bot still sometimes ignores Is complete condition ... How can I fix this? Thanks for the answers, if someone understood me and knows what can be done.
  4. Pudge

    Skip underwater nodes

    Man....... this option aready exists but it seems it doesnt work.
  5. Hi! Is this option not working at all? Or is this a individual case?
  6. Pudge


    Good. But what if I want to check that the enemy player is hitting me, but is not targeting me? Only using lua events? It's a headache ...
  7. Pudge


    Hi! It seems this boolean doesn't return true if the enemy is attacking me but isn't targeting me (using aoe ability for example), or when the enemy is in combat with other npc/player but targeting me. In short: it returns true when enemy is in any kind of combat and targeting me, this is not entirely correct conditions for "is in combat with me".
  8. Hello! Please tell me the noob what is the difference between IsValid and != null. I've noticed that IsValid doesn't works correctly in some cases when I add check for objects/npcs/players, for example like this: var ganker = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().FirstOrDefault(g => g.IsAttackable && g.GetDistance < 150 && !g.IsDead); Thanks in advance for answers!
  9. Hi! I tried to add offmesh here, and it seemed like it even worked out, but in 50% of cases the bot runs back and forth through the portal, maybe because the bot does not have time to process it? I think there needs to be some kind of delay after he crosses the portal / approaches the desired position.
  10. @Droidz Sorry for the insolence, I would like to ask for help with a boolean to check when the window is minimized / maximized :)
  11. Parfait, Mr. Droidz! What would I do without you?!!! Number 4 for minimize :)
  12. Hey! How can I do this by c#? Without chanching resolution. Does the wrobot api has kind of this? Or need the big code? :) Just for use this button
  13. Wrobot is actually good. Lazy, arrogant and greedy people are bad.
  14. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    Sorry, my bad. Updated again and now it works great. Thank you, my good man!!!
  15. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    I also used the lua event handler trying to catch this bug, but it doesn't detect it.
  16. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    Updated. Nothing has changed, the screen still turns black. What could be the problem? DirectX? Game client? Did you do it as I showed in the video? Did you manage to reproduce the bug? I'm terribly interested.
  17. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    @Droidz here is the fastest way to reproduce this bug:
  18. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    It is very strange that I am the first, considering how often the screen "breaks" when a bot flies in places like Auchidon, Hellfire Citadel and similar "non-standard" textures (M2 and WMO). By the way, I also thought about checking the FPS, but the problem is that FPS does not always fall so low.
  19. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    Still need a help
  20. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    Yes! But the bot sometimes just ignore this option...
  21. Pudge

    Black s**t screen

    Hello! This is very annoying. When the bot encounters this bug then black screen appears + fps drops + high CPU load. This very often began to appear on flying profiles. It seemed to me that it was breaking UI or WORLD FRAME. Because RELOAD UI helps to get out of this bug. But when it happens WorldFrame:IsVisible() or IsShown() returns true, that is, they are visible. So what is it? So what to do? What can be done? How fix this or prevent this?
  22. SpellManager.GetCompanionInfo () always returns 0; returns nothing 3.3.5a
  23. Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore - in what cases does this bull return true, and in what fallse? I've noticed that it does not always return true when in combat, sometimes false.
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