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Everything posted by Playingnaked

  1. As you all know I'm currently working on my own website at the moment. - Currently working on - - Improved guides + better profiles - Questing profile's ( Been putting allot of time into this ) - Website - New ways of gold making using WRobot at it's best ( FULL POTENTIAL ) I'm looking for someone with experience in photoshop. Reason is I wanna have my own logo and wp.img for my website I would really appreciate it if someone stepped in and helped me out with this :) Nonetheless I want all your feedback guys, So please visit www.playingnaked.tk Tell me what you think and how I can improve my work! Thanks in advanced and to all those who support me!
  2. Not to worry guys :) Currently working on one myself from 1-90 but doing it in pieces so far I'm at Lvl73avrg. Problem right now is the lack of tools. Nonetheless work is still on progress. If you wanna keep updated on my profiles check out my site at www.playingnaked.tk :)!
  3. Here's a small sample If you can figure it out and wanna rush it yourself go ahead :) but as Loki stated this an ongoing project and you will need to give it sometime. Rushing it may only lead to unnecessary issues putting your account's at risk. We don't want that.
  4. littile by littile i do share some from time to time, if you want to request any profile. Msg me you will have the best of best for the stuff mentioned above but they wont go public for now.
  5. Hey mate, yeah that I knew off tough im using your defualt grinding mobs mixed with bgs. Cba editing all those profiles tbh. One more thing I hope leveling quests defualt ones come with flying mount.
  6. Suggestions and stuff I edited after using your profile. Stealth was just being spammed not working when you have enemy target or close. Edit, leeching poision as buff for self heals cause had none was dieing to mobs like crazy with good gear. Edit, evasion bellow 50% Fan of knives when more then one target is around edit as AOE Hopefully this helps you update your profile mate, Good job btw!
  7. Yeah I have done that too mate, seems like your theory tough about not being supported by the bot atm is true.
  8. just uses ground mount... if I disable use ground mount it just walks and runs....
  9. Grinder still doesn't use flying mount at Lvl60-70-80 no idea why he keeps doing this to me! there's nothing wrong with the log or the name of the flying mount. Any tips?
  10. Yes my friend it is! Never died vs lvl90 Elites at lvl86-89
  11. You could also use /tar and set up a macro. Make sure you add their ID's to your profile as well.
  12. Give me party leader to toon you want to follow? Problem solved :D?
  13. Will give this profile a try, I'm looking forward to level a rogue asap ;)
  14. 50409 is 100% you'll get teleported 50410 is 100% it's a fake so removing the 50410 from your npcscan would be good. Also you might wanna download TOMTOM Addon if you don't know the spawning points by mind and put these in spliting macros MACRO 1 MACRO 2 MACRO 3 MACRO 4
  15. Seems to me someone else is trying to use your WRobot license key mate. Have you shared it with anyone recently? Error is happening due to that someone else is logging with your key while your botting with it forcing you out and letting the other logger in.
  16. Probably you have some addons inflicting with the Wrobot make sure you disable all. Also reinstall or re download the profile as I can understand that maybe allot where blacklisted IMPORTANT - MAKE SURE ALL YOUR KEY BINDINGS ARE RESTED TO DEFAULT.
  17. - If your using arch in pandaria this is a known issue sometimes you have to go dig manually for new ones to spawn until the bots starts recognizing the sites again. Usually this happens in Valley of Blossoms dig sites. - Untick start fighting before being attacked in general settings. - if you spelled it "fist of Justice" then it's not correct make sure their caps letters example "Fist of Justice" or "Divine Shield" one low sensitive letter will not make the spell work. - I'm sure your talking about the mantid dig site here as well. Small mountin where he kinda get's stuck. If you can please send or attach your log here I'm sure Droidz will fix this asap. -I'm not quite sure if you can buy a shard for 1 day pandaria dig sites only like the 1 day mantid dig site only. Since I believe your dieing due to high elites near the mantid dig sites. But there's refreshing shards you can obtain as well from mogu's palace.
  18. Why not just use my path in the profile section? It doesn't go down and click for you tough it's goes trough all spawning points. You can do anything while the bot is going around Uldum searching.. Just make sure you have NPC Scan on.
  19. It's most likely server-side Loki - WoW has been experiencing some issues with the server lately. What happens is that you do actually kill it but server doesn't know leaving your dead mob stuck on the server alive Wrobot also thinks the same and keeps the focus target on him even tough he's actually dead. Relog does fix it for some reason. Also this is being experienced with archeology as well at the moment having fragments being looted but the site stays there and WRobot keeps trying to loot it even tough you had already done that.
  20. Hey are you sure you don't have 4k honor? Once you hit 4k honor the bot will automatically close if your capped. Did you try reinstalling the bot? Make sure you backup your profiles before so. Try to run WoW in lowest quality possible sometimes when the bot get's to close to a wall and get's u stuck for 3-4 times it forces the client to shutdown most of the times it's because your experiencing graphical lag spikes. Also like CreativeXtent said uploading your log would help us figure out what's the issue.
  21. FOR THE HORDE Anyways, It is possible but I assume since you buy the same item your looking to disenchant a specific honor item for sha crystals? If that is so I do not recommend that gold gain per hour is extremely low compared to many other methods out there. If your looking for gold check out one of my basic guides in the links below. PS: You do not need a keyspammer WRobot is capable of using macros if set correctly. I normally use it for no delay on certain spells gives me that lost 1 sec auto atk doing nothing reversing it into a casting spell.
  22. Hey guys if your interested I'll do the full achievement for you this one - >Bloom and Doom - Achievement - World of Warcraft For WRobot users only - 3$ others 5$, I will need to log onto your account for approx 20mints or so. Feel free to contact msg me here for skype details I know I usually don't ask for money but atm I'm really ineed due to some real life issues :) So anything helps out! Can be found HERE
  23. Works fine with me I have not encountered any issues with the new option "Attack first" PS: You guys gonna love the quest bot! Currently testing :)
  24. Version V1.0


    Run this profile in Gatherer mode Do not leave it this profile unwatched Once you get all achievements you'll receive a bunch of scrolls which start quests such as Fish Tales you can then turn them too Lorewalker Cho which can be found in Mogu'shan Palace Recently asked questions "Will this profile click every on each discovery?" : Answer: NO however this will take you to each sight and dismount walk around the sight for you to click and discover. If you come across any issues please feel to contact me. Also leave feedback it's all I ask in return from you guys for me to improve my profiles in the future ahead.
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