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File Comments posted by Skemez

  1. 15 hours ago, Marshalek said:

    Yep downloading from rocketr works. I still see the same error when I start the profile ?


    I had similar issues with the profile at first, when we redownloaded the rocketr link I got errors, delete all your auth settings files and stuff on your bot and add the new updated file In Your quester folder and that’s what fixed my issue

  2. 13 minutes ago, Andoido said:

    Thats odd. I would say try re-downloading the bot.

    Direct X, Net framework 4.7, C++, SlimDX.

    If this doenst solve the problem , try launching the bot with the other exes. like - No Frame lock, No DX, etc. Report back!

    How do i download C++? is it Dev C++?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Andoido said:

    Thats odd. I would say try re-downloading the bot.

    Direct X, Net framework 4.7, C++, SlimDX.

    If this doenst solve the problem , try launching the bot with the other exes. like - No Frame lock, No DX, etc. Report back!

    How do i download C++? is it Dev C++?

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