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  1. I'm having problems with feeding my pet with the bot, it keeps saying the foods not high enough level, but when i do it manually i can eat the food but i keep losing friends this way :c..
  2. So after i was fiddeling for a while and read more of your comments i figured it out, you stated that this is only for attack rotation, it took me a while to understand i need a separate file for the pathing. I'm new and this works good. i encountered a problem with mobs that have pets, my pet just goes back and forth like it got rabies, because both targets are attacking me at the same time so the pet goes nuts. this will get me noticed.
  3. How do i use this dll? Do i copy/paste the DLL into the products folder and run it in product tab? (only get errors ) Or do i put it in FC folder and run it in the general settings tab?
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