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Posts posted by jeppe010

  1. 7 minutes ago, Yakub said:

    I know I said I am going out and sorry for entertaining this but I need my laugh, everytime @Matenia posts, we've got like the biggest forum retard, trying to act smart, watch this:


    PS: I only liked 1 single post, yet you're trying to manipulate people again and again, yet look at you. You think that if you copy paste an article on google you actually have experience on anything? Dude, you are clueless at coding and you're only making assumptions, get over it!

    This is the attitude of a person that gets scammed right? lol... let's be honest now, we all realised it's bullshit. But atleast he has one person that believes him lol



    You really are something. My pics doesnt prove this or are you so retarded? Here is the actually pic of the bank transfer just to give you more proof u stupid romanien. Clearly says the same information posted on ur website 


  2. 1 hour ago, Matenia said:

    Yakub liking posts of people disagreeing with him is still my favorite thing - dude is just that painfully unaware he's making a fool of himself.
    Everyone with half a brain can tell he's desperately attempting 2005 era SEO "tricks" by posting the bot's URL over and over. All it will do is present proof to anyone who googles that shitty scam that it it indeed that. That and the shady "business" tactic of coming to a different product's forums, advertising a scam and then insulting the owner of the other product, the product itself and pretending that anyone is promoting it when it clearly doesn't work for Classic because it's a private server bot.

    Also his blatant homophobia - you really think any potential customers are gonna buy anything if you keep going around calling people poor, gay and faggots?
    I understand the dude has no real experience in web development whatsoever, which is why he can't tell the difference between inspect element and analyzing web traffic and used a shitty 3rd party API instead of building his own basic ass submission form for reviews. 

    I understand him though. Dude paid a lot of people more skilled than himself to make a few videos and orchestrate a scam. Now he's down a few hundred bucks and desperately trying to break even. No wonder he's so aggitated - with COVID-19 hitting he's probably on his last leg. It's a scary situation when you bank on shady, scummy business tactics and they don't pay off.


    @Bambo deleting this would be stupid. 
    It's possibly the best way to prevent other people from falling for this.

    I recommend posting your experience on as many independent review sites (there is a reason they exist), like Trustpilot, as possible. 
    And of course it's understandable it took you 24 hours to produce the original emails. Unlike him, you aren't heavily invested in this and you don't check these forums frequently. Plus you'Re on mobile.
    For future reference - nobody is going to produce a reliable 5 man dungeon system (including profiles for all dungeons) in a few days. Not even as a big team. That should've been a red flag. It takes time, unless you have it all done before and only need to "convert" it to a new bot. The same thing is true for 1-60 quest profiles. It takes months (on average play time) to just reach 60. Now imagine having to manually code all the steps and making sure a bot can handle them. Bots aren't as smart as humans, you won't always be able to perfectly dodge every NPC or decide the perfect order of quest objectives automatically. Sometimes things have to be hardcoded in and adjusted. Not every class in Classic is a hunter - you need to make it work for all classes. This takes retesting - over and over and over. Even skilled developers probably need on average 500 hous for a 1-60 quester that includes quite a few grinding routes.

    Yeah I figured it was a bit shady with so little info on it. Lost 100 euro but thats fine. Hopefully he can survive som Days now in the real world ?

    I reported the website so maybe it will go down. 

    I bought orca bot instead and doing a 5 man dungeon bot as we speak ?

    Working great 

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