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Posts posted by Nax

  1. @DroidzYou are correct, sorry i should of thought of this before i replied. 

    So to make a plugin more secure, you would have to hook and spoof Memcheck and PageScan to make sure when they do check if something is detoured. that we send back the right data they seek.

  2. So with wrobot plug-in, you’d have to use a detourhook using ASM, wow uses two different send data to server function. One is for public static and other is loaded when warden is loaded. I know that from wotlk below the server don’t get the pc username. For Cata and above I have no clue.

  3. not gonna lie, would be awesome if @DroidzAdd a Asm DetourHook class to wrobot so we can hook functions and have more control over wow. but i know he is using Break points and i dont know if having asm hook will mess with break points.


    @Pudgei wrote my own packet sniffer for wow in c++ (its not public) if you want to message me, i can let you use a copy of it. 


  4. Anything is possible, wrobot just uses C#, besides a massive API, Wrobot can run all .net code . Just takes time and understanding how to build it. With wrobot plug-in you can build your own internet browser if you really wanted. 

    why do you wanna see out going packets? Besides warden , I can surely tell you that there’s nothing interesting .

  5. local tooltip
    local function CreateToolTipFrame()
        tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MyTempTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
        tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
    local function OnTooltipSetItemFromLink(itemLink)
        if itemLink then
            CreateToolTipFrame() -- Ensure tooltip is created
            local numLines = tooltip:NumLines()
            if numLines > 0 then
                for i = 1, numLines do
                    local line = getglobal(tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. i)
                    if line then


  6. local tooltip;
    local function CreateToolTipFrame()
        tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MyTempTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
        tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
    local function OnTooltipSetItemFromLink(itemLink)
        if itemLink then
            local numLines = tooltip:NumLines()
            if numLines > 0 then
                for i = 1, numLines do
                    local line = _G[tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. i]
                    if line then


  7. They ban bots all the time but not for detection, Wrobot doesn’t modify any memory. Wrobot use HWBP which is harder to detect if at all possible. The inject if I am correct is via endscene which every single video captured uses.


    they ban because people are watching bot do weird shit.


    sharp turns, weird directions etc 

  8. Hey, for this problem with the pathfinder. I know wrobot sometimes (more or less of the time.) breaks down. I would recommend if you have the time sit down and build your own navigational system. It fairly easy to set up a basic one with recast and detour. And after you have a basic one up and running. Add features like distanceToWall etc.I find learning how it’s built is very fun.

  9. 7 hours ago, Matenia said:


    If you're an authorized seller, you can encrypt it with Droidz' software and the real version will only be available from the servers.


    Don't create an encryption ID based on IP, that's bound to lead to issues. If you do it based on MAC address, it's probably the smartest - it can be changed but you're not fucking users over if they swap out their hardware - most users won't change their motherboard too frequently - or their NIC for that matter.

    I recommend creating keys on purchase, unique to the user (order id + email) and validating them periodically (heartbeat) - or if your server can handle it, just keep a bunch of TCP connections open for user sessions.
    I shared my server that does exactly this and can be attached to Rocketr in the authorized sellers forums and it's what most people here were using. It's good enough, if your DLLs are properly obfuscated.

    Can it still be cracked somewhat easily by someone with extensive reverse engineering knowledge? Of course. But so can pretty much any program you write.

    this is interesting, ill have to take a look at the code. i dont use Dll, my code is for my project .



  10. You could consider creating a system where the decryption key is generated based on the user's IP address or hardware ID. To implement this, you'll need to delve into the field of cryptography and learn how to securely handle and manage these keys,


    i am currently researching this to give people able to protect their own fightclasses / profiles etc.

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