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    nax reacted to Zer0 for a file, [Free] Wholesome Dungeon Crawler   
    What is the Wholesome Dungeon Crawler (WDC)
    The WDC is a WOTLK product developped by the Wholesome team. The WDC can be used to level a team by exclusively completing dungeons using the random dungeon finder.
    ! DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT WITH OTHER PLAYERS IN YOUR GROUP ! The WDC is meant to be used with 4 other bots, all using this product and the same exact profiles.
    The product is in BETA version. Its development has been halted. Just like any other Wholesome product, it is free and open-source.
    It comes with 48 profiles made by our team. Each dungeon requires a profile to be completed by the product, but most high level profiles are either missing or untested. Feel free to participate in profile creation.
    Classic content is 90% done and tested
    TBC content is 50% done and tested
    WotlK content is 10% done and tested
    Prerequisites and how to install
    Before using the product, you'll need:
    - a WRobot licence that supports at least 5 sessions
    - to download the WholesomeDungeonCrawler.dll file, and put it in your WRobot/Products folder
    - a WOTLK client
    - the Wholesome Inventory plugin
    - the Wholesome Vendors plugin
    - the WOTLK AIO fightclass
    Product settings overview
    Role - Defines the role of the character. If left as "Unspecified", the product will not start.
    Tank name - If the role is either Melee DPS (MDPS), Ranged DPS (RDPS) or Healer, you will have to specifiy your group tank's name. Some features rely on this setting.
    Dungeon - (Tank only) Select a specific dungeon, or random dungeons.
    Party member names - (Tank only) The name of the 4 other group members. The tank uses this setting to invite the group.
    Download profiles - Will automatically download the available dungeon profiles into your WRobot/Profiles folder.
    Recommended settings
    WOTLK AIO: Make sure you select the correct Rotation
    Wholesome Inventory Manager: Select the correct Stats weight set and equipment preferences.
    Wholesome Vendor plugin: Set the correct food/drink settings. Enable repairing. Enable selling (recommended at least up to Green). Enable training. The rest is very optionnal.
    The vendor plugin will train, sell and refill your bags accordingly between each dungeon run. It is highly recommended to keep all your characters in a big capital city where they can easily do everything.
    WRobot settings: Disable "Close bot if teleported". In "Food / Drink" tab, enable "Use Drink" for mana classes and fill in the desired threshold percentages.
    We also recommend that you set up the relogger for your group, so you can start all your sessions in one click.
    That's it. Your team should be ready to run dungeons.
    - Automatically invites a group, joins dungeons and complete them
    - Uses dungeon profiles to complete dungeons. An in-game overlay will show you which profile step the bot is currently running
    - With our plugins, will automatically roll, equip, sell, train, and buy without any human intervention
    - Resurrects dead gorup member is healer is still alive
    - Can do ghost runs if the entire team is dead
    - AOE avoidance (still in BETA). The bot can detect specific and highly dangerous AOEs in order to move away from them
    - A profile editor is included
    - Turbo loot is included (ported from the auto quester)
    - Will open dungeon reward satchels
    - The group members never communicates with each other. All their behavior is inferred by context.
    - And many more...
    Dungeon profiles
    The WDC relies on dungeon profiles to execute logic. If you join a dungeon without the appropriate profile, the product will teleport your character out. All 5 of your group members must use the same exact profiles.
    Each profile consists of multiple customizable steps.
    The first step should always be a "Regroup" step nearby the entrance portal.
    A step can be faction specific. Some dungeons have different logic depending of your faction. Leaving it as "Neutral" ensures that both faction runs it.
    A step can also be role specific.
    Profile steps explained
    - Move along path: The bread and butter of the WDC. Draws a path that the bot will follow, pulling all the enemies along the way. The step is considered completed when the last waypoint is reached, unless another complete condition is specified.
    - Interact with: Used to interact with world elements, like doors, or levers. The step is considered completed after one try, unless another complete condition is specified.
    - Talk to unit: Self explanatory. The step is considered completed after one try, unless another complete condition is specified.
    - Defend spot: Defines a spot position and radius to defend for a set time. Any hostile enemy entering this zone will be attacked by the group. The step is considered completed when the timer runs out + another complete condition if specified.
    - Follow and defend unit: Used to escort units. The group will follow a unit and attack any enemy targeting it. The step is considered completed when the escorted unit reaches the set "End Position" (+- 5 yards), or if dead, unless another complete condition is specified.
    - Regroup: Another very important step. Although everything has been made to keep the group together closely, adding a few regroup steps will ensure that the team regroups and stays close together. The step is considered completed when everyone answers "yes" to the ready call at the regroup position. It uses raid targets to communicate the call status.
    - Jump to step: Will skip to a further profile step if the complete condition is met. Very situational.
    - Leave dungeon: Makes the group leave/finish the dungeon. The step executes once everyone answers "yes" to the ready call.
    - Pull to safe spot: The more advanced step: You can set a safe spot where the team will regroup, and a zone to clear. Once everyone is ready at the safe spot, the tank will go and pull the closest enemy from the zone to clear and go back to the safe spot for the team to fight. Once the fight is over, the tank will go and pull the next group, and so on. The step is considered completed when the zone is cleared.
    Complete conditions explained
    - Flags Changed: Is complete when the code flag of an specific object has changed from the set Initial Flag. It could be a door that is an open/close state. It is not recommended to use this, since each server can have different flag behaviors.
    - Have Item: Is complete if the character has a specific item (by entry) in their bags. The condition can be reversed (complete if the character doesn't have the item)
    - Mob Dead: Is complete if the specified mob is dead or absent. Can be reversed.
    - Mob at Position: Is complete if a specific mob is at a specific positon (+- 5 yards). Can be reversed.
    - LoS Check: Is complete if the specified line of sight check doesn't return any collision. Extremely useful and reliable to check if a door is close or open. Can be reversed.
    - Can gossip: Is complete it the specified mob have gossip options available. Can be reversed.
    - Mob Attackable: Is complete if a mob is both hostile and selectable. Can be reversed.
    - Timer: Is complete when the set timer runs out.
    Product: https://github.com/Talamin/Wholesome-Dungeon-Crawler
    Profiles: https://github.com/Talamin/Wholesome-Dungeon-Crawler-Profiles
    Project Wholesome – A quick word

    The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project is transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. Nothing released under Project Wholesome is sold for profit, although individual donations are welcome. We are always looking for more testers and developers. If you want to participate, please join our Discord channel.
    Project Wholesome Discord: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6
    Wholesome team Club: https://wrobot.eu/clubs/9-wholesome-team/
    Special thanks
    Special thanks to the entire Wholesome team for your help and kindness. Love you guys!
    If you want to watch the WDC in action, check out the WDC adventures!
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    nax reacted to kiko for a file, [Kiko's] Frost Mage PvE   
    Tested and works on Whitemane
    Deep Freeze
    Ice Lance Proc (100% working)
    Brain Freeze Proc (100% working)
    Pet Freeze 
    Move backwards on Frost Novas (kinda works)
    Decurse player
    Conjure Food/Water & Mana Gem 
    Counterspell Casts
    Enable / Disable features
    Frost Armor
    Mage Armor
    Molten Armor
    Use wand when oom (around 5% mana)
    Lifeblood - Herbalism Ability
    Goblin Racial Rocket
    Single Target :Brain Freeze Proc -> Ice Lance Proc -> Frostbolt -> Pet Freeze -> Wand (if oom)
    AoE : Cone of Cold on 2+ moving close mobs -> Blizzard on mob packs further than 18 yds away -> Arcane Explosion on 3+ Close Mobs
    Cooldowns : Cold Snap Frost Nova -> Icy Veins on 2+ Mobs -> Mirror Image on 2+ Mobs -> Evocation on 25% mana 
  3. Thanks
    nax reacted to Zan for a file, Zan's - Demon Hunter (Shadowlands) 9.2.7   
    Zan's Demon Hunter (Shadowlands)
    Vengeance - Usable Havoc - Work in progress Covenants Kyrian Class Spell - Usable Signature Spell - Not tested Necrolord Class Spell - Work in progress Signature Spell - Work in progress Night Fae Class Spell - Work in progress Signature Spell - Work in progress Venthyr Class Spell - Work in progress Signature Spell - Work in progress Demon Hunter Fight Class is based on Icy-Veins and covering most Talents while offering multiple options for customization. PvP is not implemented at this time and may be fully supported in the future once I can fully test the PvP Talents. Interrupts have a minor delay to avoid being noticed as a bot. It will not attack faction tagged mobs. It will not dismount to attack while Flying or Ground Mounted and moving. Once the Ground Mount stops it will engage in combat if it has a target. This also applies if the Flying Mount is on the ground. 
    Not Tested using Quester but I will make adjustments based on feedback if needed. PvP is not tested. All questions, comments, and suggestions for improvement are welcome. To activate pull spells “Attack before being attacked” must have a check mark or turned on. This specific Fight Class will ONLY be supported for Shadowlands. Install in WRobot > FightClass It will create a folder (Zan’s Presets) for the FightClass saved settings. Saved as Class > Specialization Disclaimer - Modifications to the Fight Class will be made by me if deemed necessary. Downloading and / or possessing any of my files means you agree to not decompile my work without my given permission. GUI Options:
    Most options are self-explanatory.
    Talents – Select your talents and it will check after you level and are out of combat, you enter a rested area, or switch specializations. WRobot: “Advanced Settings” > “General Settings” > Assign Talents (Checked) to have bot set Talents.
    Potion (Prepot) – Only works with DBM timers when someone else initiates a timer.
    Covenant Button – This will appear when you are in a Covenant or have the Zone spell. Here you will be able to select settings for the Covenant spells.
    Rotation Speed – Slide the cursor to the right to speed up the rotation. If you see it click a spell and it does not cast, it is too fast. Slide it back to the left until it casts the spell.
    Presets – Select Difficulty, then change all settings you prefer and then under Save click Quest, Dungeon, Raid, or PvP. This will create a settings folder and store settings you can use across other characters of the same class. Under Load click Quest, Dungeon, Raid, or PvP then click Load to load the corresponding settings profile. (If there are already settings for the character it will load them by default when opening the settings)
    Apply – Click to Apply Load Settings seen on the GUI for current use.
    Exit – To close out the GUI.

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