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Everything posted by Loo

  1. @Droidz: I cant get this to work can you suggest how it should be done? Im writing a C# fight class. need to know what to put here. if(ItemsManager.GetItemCountByNameLUA("Minor Healthstone")==0 && ItemsManager.GetItemCountByNameLUA("Soul Shard")>=1 && CreateHealthstone.KnownSpell && CreateHealthstone.IsSpellUsable){ //CreateHealthstone.Launch(); //wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByIdLUA(6201, "target"); //Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpell((offset+1),"spell");"); }
  2. For me it had to do with my fight class for some reason. When out of combat my fight class does a buff rotation. I commented out my buff rotation and it started working.
  3. Loo

    Black Friday

    make one for 2021!
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