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Posts posted by youthemannowdog

  1. On 8/21/2019 at 7:18 AM, Razzue said:

    A bit late to this party... 

    But with that knowledge you should be more than able to make your OWN profiles. 

    In which case hop to and stop your bitching and whining. You're more than free to go find another bot to use! Oh wait...

    And to that glorious topic of "you only spend x amount of hours but make $xxx " 

    I've spent nearly 100's hours on each class (primarily cata and legion) just for making simple fightclasses. And I STILL haven't publicly released them. Even IF I miraculously made 2k on one time purchases from them, that amounts to a whole $2.50/hour with the amount of time I've sank into something as simple as a fightclass (and the time spent on them can only go up whilst profits can go down) 

    Hell, I spent 18 hours a day for 4 months working on a pixel aimbot for an fps game. To this date I've made juuust over 12k from it. That amounts to a whopping $5.42 an hour >.> Minimum wage where I live is 3x that .. so forgive people for not wanting to waste that kind of time for free.

    I dont have time. 

    This is the weakest argument any developer could ever make.
    "Wahhh you don't like my stuff make your own"

    My reply is always "well I'm actually paying YOU to make stuff that works for US, but it DOESNT..."
    If you think you can overcharge me for something a fragment of the quality of bots that have existed before WRobot then you have an IQ of about 11.

    I've developed thousands of hours of content for free across the board because it led to something interesting. I 3D modelled hundreds of objects for shitty garrysmod servers I used to play on just because it would make the server more interesting. It doesn't have to be about the money.
    Ten years ago I was helping host reasonably popular WoW private servers where I put in hundreds of hours into Navicat and MySQL just to contribute.

    If the client isn't good enough for you to be able to be transparent when you sell something then dont fucking waste your time making content for it trying to sell halfscam content.


    We should just lock the thread. Doesnt make sense that I cant do that myself but whatever. The last 3 pages have been people coming in to late pages and rehashing arguments we've already discussed.

  2. 19 hours ago, Matenia said:

    If you die in a pack of 3 mobs, that might be an issue in itself. I mean, rogue is a garbage class to bot until like WotLK/Cata. Everyone has always known this. Every profile rates rogues slightly above warriors and mages slightly above rogues - THEN everything else. Check out FNV's old profile. 

    Lower your scan distance to 70 yards. Set "max enemies near x" to 1 (maybe even 0 if you're feeling frisky). Maybe let it grind out green mobs for a few levels if you feel your profile is using a shit spot for grinding as rogue. There are plenty of mass botters who run rogues successfully.

    I gave up on my rogue to level that mage and the mage did fine after like level 30 - a few Wrobot quirks but nothing from your stuff. Now that the mage max leveled I'm trying to give the rogue another shot before going onto other classes.

    The rogue is just a walking shitshow though.. It's honestly really funny to watch. I'm just kind of ready to let it 24/7 grind because it's just incredibly incapable. I'm really hoping it will hit a certain level and just handle itself like the mage did but jesus christ it's struggling lol


    For OP? The 1st issue is definitely UI if you have any addons - otherwise I have NO idea.
    The second one I experienced with the torrented WRobot client that I found before even finding this website to purchase legitimately. It came with a bunch of old fight classes one that had the same issue you describe. It was trash.

  3. On 8/8/2019 at 1:49 AM, Marsbar said:

    Are you using addons? I know that a version of elvui broke autoattacking. Please test again without any addons enabled and see if it behaves the same.

    I'm on matenias plugin and combat rogue. Character happily resurrects next to 3 NPCs and then refuses to use sprint or evasion when traveling or evading. It wastes evasion mid combat for no reason for the sake of saying it does it. Doesn't seem to buy Vanishing powder and even if it does it hardly uses it.

    I really dont know if it's Wrobot or what but I've tested 2 rogue fightclasses by now and it seems like even when enemy NPCs are green I run AT LEAST 6 deaths per hour. Getting into a new zone as a rogue I get ~20 deaths per hour.

    I just think with the quality of this bot and addons rogues are nearly completely unbottable in classic and TBC and buying anything to bot a rogue in classic or tbc is a total waste of money and time. You'll get to 60 in classic on 1x in probably 60 days /played with -500 gold in repairs

    My rogue (with dev approved settings) is at level 24 with 3 days played at 2x EXP in a TBC server.

  4. On 8/12/2019 at 4:50 PM, cedced30 said:

    You basically described the whole videogame industry business model, which has proven working and profitable, yet implying in the same sentence that it doesn't work.

    So, does it work or not? chose one.

    Marginally profitable for very low effort. Yeah if that's how you want to describe your career then you must shoot pretty low.

    What is this? A phone app?

    Also I did not describe the "whole video game industry" - that's just EA. 
    Normal reputable video game companies release full games and charge for content or give content for free far post launch.

    And look EA was rated the worst company in America once or twice fighting the King Of Bad Comcast. They're constantly losing stock value and getting downvoted to -40,000 minimum in every reddit thread they comment to. Clearly from a customer standpoint the business model is hated and constantly argued against by all major journalists and veteran advocates. Infact soon doing what EA does (making a game so featureless that they resort to promoting child gambling to get shitty skins and garbage content) will be illegal across EU. 

    In short your reply was a HELL of a reach that really just proved how little anyone cares here about making this turd wrapped in tin foil any better.

  5. Honor buddy gave everything for free (except the client) and it was by far without a doubt the best selling bot in botting history for any game ever period.

    The only people it could hurt are people trying to profit off of the lack of functionality the client sells with.


    I think the only reason this bot isnt bigger is directly due to the fact that new people come in, see the paywall, see some devs saying "code it yourself", all the things you have to download plus bans and complaints and just immediately walk out the door. 


    Customers come in and pay for a skeleton and then the devs sell each organ. That's not appealing for the majority of new customers unfortunately. I'll test whatever 

  6. @Droidz fam chime in we're sick of it

    developers listing why they're products (with good reason) aren't why your customers are having a bad experience with WRobot

    customers stating why they're unhappy that they're spending all this money on usermade content that can barely hope to bandaid some of the bizzare quirks this bot has

    I'm still going to PM you about this but it's gotta get fixed - please.

  7. I'm happy to send you logs and tell you more in detail - this isn't a bug compilation thread. It may look like that due to how much I've been fought about how perfect this bot is and how much evidence I've had to provide.
    But bugs are not technically my point.

    The point is for how much is required to pay the quality isn't comparable to cheaper products of past.

    I did initially come off strong thinking that there was no way that WRobot itself was this bad however after speaking with Matenia more and looking deeper into it it's obviously not the private content developers faults at all in MOST cases (Truly can go fuck himself with the fully afk shit wasting peoples money to this day)

  8. Just now, Bambo said:

    I am simply not capable of fixing many of these mentioned things and I don't need to and will never feel obligated to. As I don't sell a botting program at all. I sell .xml files that are being used by that program.

    Yeah read my second addition to my paragraph that I edited in.

    I'm not asking you to fix anything, or Matenia, or whoever. I'm saying the Wrobot is factually inferior by a good margin to HB and glider for obvious reasons. You could sell me a $100 profile that you spent 2,000 hours on and that doesn't fix it for me. I could have $500 in plugins which took centuries to code and it likely wouldnt fix everything for me.

    I'll try that. I've just outleved the hinterlands by so fucking much im manually going to level into WPL until I level out of Bambos 1-70 where it updates me to a higher level zone (at 52).

  9. then why is my character trying to run through the deeprum tram getting stuck (like run from IF to SW in the fucking tram) while HMP has use tram to false.
    Why is it when I have two quests and in the turn in screen the top one isn't finished so I can't turn in the second one. It just opens and closes the quest screen over and over.
    Why is it if there is a quest starter item to loot my character spam clicks it over and over even though it's already in my inventory.
    Why do i catch my character with your stuff and matenia's running and flying between zones for hours trying to figure out how to enter the hinterlands
    You'd be blind to not realize the list of issues this client gives to get people banned or waste time is reasonably large.

    It just comes off as lazy seeing developers willing to sell products that regardless of your effort are half baked and not feel inclined to do anything about it.

    That's like me opening up a restaraunt one of it's kind that everyone wants to go to. But I buy the worst fish, the worst red meat, old salad, etc. Then I ask decent employees (you) to work for me and try to give the best service you can and cook the best food you can with the shitty ingredients I give you. And you guys here just serve that shit to me with a smile on your face. You have no qualms with it.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Bambo said:

    I also had some restaurants here in Berlin that were much cheaper with better food, they are gone now though. What do i do about it?

    PM Droidz and ask him to onboard another coder.
    You guys are all selling less now with classic launch imminent. I know that. If maybe WRobot had a decent update to API that really fixed a lot of the patently dumb shit this client does to your content then maybe people will stand paying the $70+ price tags to start botting here.


    Shit you would probably lose less customers to people literally going out and buying C# books just to make their own shit thinking that will help.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Bambo said:

    all the crying and hate and nothing is gonna change, what do you guys want us to do?

    my grinders are 99% afkable, if wrobot is in control though and there is a complete different state going on like ToTown or Resurect, I feel like I am not responsible anymore. Whenever my grinder profiles are active, they indeed are close to 100% afkable. Ofc sometimes you get stuck in a mesh or end up in a different region with high level mobs (guess what dude, it was ToTown)... I can agree that questers are just much more prone to being buggy and a 99% afkable statement for a quester is probably a bit over the top but also on these ones most bugs are actually happening OUTSIDE the profile state (if it is a polished and dedicated profile, which I would call my products).

    I see no point in this thread, it is getting nowhere. I am not calling anyone a peasant but there is clearly people lacking wrobot knowledge here and that is no shame. But then don't speak up that loudly and shoot bullets towards people that are in no way responsible for the problems you are mentioning.


    ok on your grinder I am level 51 killing level 44 mobs. I have to intervene at least once an hour right now to stop my character from trying to spam loot a questin beacon

    I know that you cant make a good product because Wrobot sucks. I just wish you developers would stop being so defensive and claiming we who think this product is inferior is directly your fault. It's WRobots fault and it's a shame you guys are willing to just put a bandaid on it and sell it like it's a full fix.

    HB and Glider were better products and often significantly cheaper and easier to use. I dont care whether I lacked Glider or HB knowledge the fucking point is they worked better for less $.

  12. 22 hours ago, moerrts said:

    I dont think you or any developers understand the point of this thread lol 


    It's hard to put in that much work on a broken platform and not defend your broken work.

    Most people are far too prideful.

    On a side note - does anyone know how I can tell Wrobot not to get stuck trying to pick up a quest starting beacon? anytime im on a grind profile and my bot picks up those quest starting beacon items the next time it tries to pick one up it just sits there for hours trying to force pick it up. Shit's dumb as fuck.

    not false advertising and making a good product to which good programmers can produce good content for is important to me as a customer.


    I am really amazed at these two. Wrobot has a high-quality community that helps each other, many great programmers sharing code snippets. There are no other bots similar to this, even Honorbuddy was only two versions: off and Cataclysm. Many have been making good money for a long time without even being a programmer. These two should be happy, not shout about how lazy and important they are.

    I've stated in many forms with video evidence why the "best" programmers here can't make a system for me that replicates even a fragment of what Glider or Honorbuddy was.

    That should be pretty obvious. I dont give a shit that you made your own profile. I don't give a shit that you've spent 3 years with Wrobot tinkering and perfecting. That's not what is advertised as required to bot with this Wrobot client and is certaintly not what developers here advertise. That's a shameful system. 

    For example leveling a mage with Matenias fight class and plugin combined with Bambos leveling guide I get stuck and require manual intervention at least once every 2-4 hours. I die at least 3 times an hour after tens of hours of figuring out settings changes. I have paid $70+ for "truly afk, 300+++ quests, creates a truly humanlike experience" ETC ETC ETC and have not recieved honestly any of that. The bot still is absolutely fucking obvious to anyone who watches me for more than 30 seconds and I can easily spot out all the tens of other players and can say exactly who made their fight class after 30 seconds. The amount of rediculous WRobot client bugs that prevent the grinder guides from working fluidly is ridiculous.

    The point was I bought honorbuddy $60 ONE TIME lifetime payment, installed it, loaded up a grinding profile and left my character grinding from start to finish tens of times. Never even had a thought to look back at it. I only opened my WoW screen to see how much progress it had made. Wrobot looks like a toddler in comparison with the BEST available content.


    Glider and Honorbuddy didnt stop working on retail - they stopped because of lawsuits. WRobot couldnt even work well enough to stay on retail to ever even get sued. Wrobot got sent back a couple of grades for not even being able to hang out with the grown up bots.

  13. 2 hours ago, cedced30 said:

    Why are you even here if you don't like Wrobot? that's the real question.

    If you don't like something, move on.

    I don't mean to be rude but it sounds like entitlement, if you want glider or hb, buy glider or hb, don't buy Wrobot and expect it to become glider because you like them more.

    Beggers can't be chosers.

    As if I had choices or things to move on to when it comes to botting clients.

    I will say that at this point of putting in hours of time trouble shooting settings between HMP and the client that I can finally go to sleep with the bot and and know that i'll get probably 4 hours of clean run time. Last night I woke up with the bot having ran 4 hours but an error closed it before my timer finished. Said something about trying to use an IP that didnt have a key or something but I don't have my VPN on anything like that.

  14. 1 hour ago, maukor said:

    I never seen HB running to a wrong vendor, meanwhile i should manually clear database in wrobot, so yeah, there are many problems with bot.
    Same with vendoring, and npc interactions (inkeepers or any with gossip options) 

    With Matenia seeing my settings on stream and confirming them so seems likely that HMP isn't to blame. Running Bambo's 1-70 doesnt seem to be to blame. Matenias fight class has nothing to do with it. Yet I just watched my mage running and flying (Taxiing) from Duskwood, flying to Redridge, to run back to duskwood, flying back to redridge, running to duskwood for 45 minutes with the logs not blaming anyone.

    Bambos profile has me in swamp of sorrows right now but the client seems to refuse to go "To Town" in Blasted lands so I literally RUN the entire way to goldshire, fly to fucking STV and try to run thru duskwooddespite having the blasted lands flying path. But wait! The bot refuses to go through deadwind pass for whatever reason so it circles back again over and over and over again. And then people will cry "BUT YOUR SETTINGS" OK. Why would settings not fly me from SW to Darkshire? But no it flies me from SW (Which it had no reason to go to and didnt even use my hearth there or my runes of teleportation just to sell bagspace) TO FUCKING STV INSTEAD OF DARKSHIRE.

    It's dogshit. The questing profiles either arent done well or seem to hang on quest turn ins if the first quest on the turn in sheet isn't ready yet. So I wasted $20 on questing profiles. It just opens and closes the window over and over again. I mean it's relentlessly bad and NO we shouldnt have to write our own bot after paying for this one just to fix the problem.

  15. On 8/1/2019 at 2:42 AM, Ordush said:

    It's pretty clear to me that people who are writing here, has no clue how wrobot actually works.
    The creator states that he is a programmer and stuff, but he CLEARLY has not even looked under the hood.
    Almost all the issues he is complaining about is actually not the bot, but rather just the released stuff. If he thinks that wRobot is the reason that questing profiles are not 100% AFK (example). then he clearly doesn't know what the bot does lol.
    Instead of complaining, wishing for it to be something it is not. Do something about it. The man claims that he has a skillset (which is a pretty weird combination btw.) USE IT... Do something about it... I have seen many people level from 1-60 1-70 even 1-80 without any issues, because they make their own shit. OR because they use the bot smart.
    People think that honorbuddy and glider were the holy grail... You'd get banned easily if you used those without thinking too.. This is software, it's not magic lol.
    "people are in the dark" rofl... ALL his libraries are right there for everybody to look in. There are even people here who has put the libraries online for you to go through.
    You can EVEN rewrite the whole combat system to your own liking if you want lol. Basically you can easily strip the bot of all it's functions and make your own.


    it's pretty clear to me that people defending this bot have never used any of it's old competitors.
    the creators of those softwares were programmers who advertised a product that can quickly and intelligently afk bot world of warcraft for a low monthly payment
    Almost all of the issues I'm complaining about are either the bot client being shitty (with multiple of the big coders here confirming many annoyances to me directly), the profiles, the fight classes, or the plugins not able to patch the system together adequately.

    Instead of defending something without using even a fraction of a fragment of critical thinking or unbiased reasoning do something about it. You claim that there's nothing wrong yet tell me I need to fix something that I purchased as advertised to be completed. Not requiring Bambos "hundreds of hours" investment or Matenias thousands of lines of code just to run some fucking quests in a shit tier TBC server.

    It's very clear the software isn't "magic" because there are only a dozen people putting any effort into keeping it alive through premium content. The rest have to have C# experience and tons of fucking time to bot dying private servers. It's very clear to me that people who relentlessly defend this bot or the creators genuinly don't understand good business practices or software.


    Honorbuddy was $60 for a "lifetime" key for 3 sessions. $60 ONCE for "LIFE" on RETAIL. No coding required. No weird default settings that need to be changed. Fully AFK level 1-whatever fully afk never getting stuck. No extra user submitted content purchases required.
    Glider was $25 and 90% of the content there ran better than anything on wRobot and was fucking free.


    The point of this thread was to show that wRobot in direct comparison to bots of old is garbage. Whose fault is it is what made this thread turn into a shit show, not my proposal. Shit in researching Glider (I only got my hands on it for a couple months back in the day but botted HB for over a year) I found that videos from 2008 show a smoother running system than one in 2019 that can only manage PRIVATE SERVERS.

    I really didnt want to post again but cut the shit. There's tons of people agreeing with the concept of this thread here Ordush.


  16. On 7/29/2019 at 6:57 AM, CocoChanel said:

    When I was botting hardcore on Northdale I would have gladly paid 150-200 euro every month if it meant that I could have a decent bot with some built in fightclasses + a quester that actually works. 

    With this money Droidz could easily hire one or more programmers who could also work on this project.

    but honorbuddy was 50x better and cost like 30 a month

    i think the problem is if you increase the cost dramatically you'll lose a lot of people

    but if you dont increase the price apparently droidz doesnt make enough to fix it

    the bot is stuck in this limbo of it should have been done right when it was developed and included stuff to not make it 100% the duty of developers to make every single part of this bot to get it to run at all. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Matenia said:

    Q11: My character tries to pull from out of range and/or wRobot thinks it can't fight the target, then switches to another A: Go into advanced wRobot settings and disable "calculate distance by target size".

    From my Discord. You can (and probably should) also reduce the fight distance in wRobot settings to 35 yards.

    It's set to 40

  18. 8 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    These logs stop at July 19th (today is the 22nd) and have level 5 characters in them. 
    If you're going to stream it, at least include wRobot's log window. That doesn't help to debug the specific issue you recorded a few minutes ago at all.

    word I have a bunch of folders with separate wrobot clients in them. must have done the wrong one.

    uhhhh aaanddd bam 

    I'm having trouble finding todays logs for some reason - when i copy to desktop they dont appear on my desktop either.

    And my log screen went black for some reason on stream let me fix that.



    EDIT: Stream fixed with log screen and todays log was added to drop box

  19. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/br39ib5dhcmpbe3/AAB6_afjSCin2G4NJk_Whojba?dl=0

    all the logs for the past 4 days yo

    have fun


    also twitch.tv/calmaveragewhiteguy if you want to watch her die live


    With the logs posted and the video evidence and my opinions made very clear I will no longer post about this subject. I have videos of my rogue dying for other bizarre reasons mostly related to pathing and a hunter struggling to make ends meet as well. If someone wants to message me directly about their opinions, favorite colors, or whatever else your heart desires relating to my freshman experience with this bot please let me know.

  20. Just now, Talamin said:

    One Question:

    What Profile are you running and at which step are you? 

    Is this Mob part of a quest or is it just some driveby mob? I had the same Problems with some Mobs, but i solved it with ZERadar. Don´t know if this support Classic, but you can give it a shot. It solves most Problems of driveby Mobs not getting recognized until fight.


    These last 2 videos were using Bambos grinder I think or Trulys I cant remember. The first two videos were Andoidos quester. 
    I wasnt using ZEradar for the past few days because Zero told me it's not working so I stopped testing it until he gives me the goahead.
    These deaths are either from bad pathing, bad combat AI, or bad fleeing mechanics (well I still have fleeing on in HMP however it recently just gave up even TRYING to flee. Now it just combats until death) 

    I'm doing this all in jest. Trying to make valid points people seem to agree with. It's not my fault you can spend a lot of money and get a bad experience.

    It's just hard to swallow showing so many videos back to back to back of this bot dying over and over and over again. Here's a video where neither NPC are blacklisted and the bot failed to understand that I was under 10% HP and could not continue to fight however with fleeing on it didnt even attempt to zig zag away and die. Instead it chose to die on the spot.

    This video represents any newcomer coming in and downloading HMP, a premium fight class, and a premium grinding profile. This is their experience. This is why people get banned. Why pay for premium profiles and plugins when a free experience will just get you banned faster so you dont have to waste the money?


  21. If the mob is blacklisted then why does it keep pathing directly into it trying to attack the target standing 5 feet next to it?


    you got a lot of excuses Matenia but not a lot of answers that aren't insults

    The calmwhiteguy thing is an inside joke because on steam my name is Calmwhiteguy and my in game profile picture is this

    yrb0EwB.png  which in america is a key and peele sketch where key is Obamas anger translator. It's comedy. You know jokes?


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