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    melayu reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    If the mob is blacklisted then why does it keep pathing directly into it trying to attack the target standing 5 feet next to it?
    you got a lot of excuses Matenia but not a lot of answers that aren't insults
    The calmwhiteguy thing is an inside joke because on steam my name is Calmwhiteguy and my in game profile picture is this
      which in america is a key and peele sketch where key is Obamas anger translator. It's comedy. You know jokes?
  2. Haha
    melayu reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    no more than 5 minutes after that last video
    BOTTING IN 2019
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    melayu reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    well at least I didnt say it I guess
    (but you're absolutely right)
    But hey - this is what it looks like when you tell a developer on WRobot that their stuff isn't as good as they think it is and is only popular because nobody else competes
    they'll passive aggressively tell you that you're a basic american racist through a fucking coupon  while at the same time trying to tell you that everyone elses fightclasses that you're beta testing are shit.

    Calling me a basic american racist while your content does this
  4. Like
    melayu reacted to CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    No, you are wrong. Some of them are complete fucking idiots. Not giving a single fuck and just pumping out shit quality quest scripting and also horrible grind spots with 5000 mobs stacked on top of each other. Its completely their own fault. Take a look at andoidos stream when he is making his profiles. Not a single fuck is given when it comes to how well a character will be able to handle the quests, he just puts in the spots for where the quest items/mobs are, with no regard whatsoever if the bot can handle that many mobs. I doubt that this is a bot issue,  but rather a problem with profiles not being controlled properly. Profiles on Honorbuddy's paid profile section were tested properly and were only allowed if they were well scripted. I hope for the love of god the rules change for what kind of profiles are allowed to be up for sale on here.
  5. Like
    melayu reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    The point is that WRobot is a fraction of what honorbuddy and glider was and the content people here make for it dont fix it or even come close and a new person will pay substantially MORE than they did with Glider and Honorbuddy for significantly less quality overall in botting experience.

    So you pay for all this stuff hoping eventually you'll have a practical bot that you can leave alone and not have 10+ deaths per hour on but you cant. That's misleading.

    When Honorbuddy and Glider said you could bot afk without looking they were right. You could do that. And you could do it cheaper for YEARS before it took Blizzard stealing the source code for the bots (Honorbuddy) or sueing for YEARS to win (Glider and kinda honorbuddy). The bots could do dungeons, they could do questing from 1-whatever, they could do duels, etc. There isn't a single dungeon/BG/Arena/questing full without constant issues profile for 1-70 AT LEAST and that's because there's no confidence and the documentation/client itself doesn't allow for it. 

    You cant bot with glider and honorbuddy because they dont exist. They never cared about shitty private servers because they wanted the big fish - retail. WRobot barely hung onto retail and cant even hang with private servers because none of it works without DIYing the entire thing yourself after finding that $70 worth of shit doesnt work.
  6. Like
    melayu reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles   
    Why? This is literally a click to move bot based on meshes, fight classes, and plugins to create a humanlike experience.
    In vanilla you didnt have instancing, instancing based on quests, instancing based on quest progression, LFR/LFR/LFG, etc.
    It's only harder because you have less chance to fail as a coder before the customers character that they're botting will die. The only thing that changed was the game became easier - that only made lazy bot profile makers jobs easier. 
    Honorbuddy did it, Glider did it, and they charged substantially less for the entire experience. The content creaters created better content, they did it for cheaper, and they did it for longer. There is a reason both services were so successful while WRobot relies on like 10 people to create (and charge whatever they want) for whatever content they decide to make.

    I'll say this a thousand times. You can spend 1,000 hours on something and it's not very good. You can create something that took 1,000 hours, cry about how long it took and how much you should charge - until other people come in and then charge half the price and created something 5x better in 40 hours. That's not the customers fault you took so long to make something so unusable without "manual intervention" as Matenia would say every 5 minutes.
    Here it is - quick and dirty. 
    After watching this video tell me this.
    If you create profiles/plugins/fightclasses for WRobot will you take the blame? My experience in Redridge has been the same on my level 40 hunter and my level 15 frost mage. Which is garbage. Are you telling me that if you put 1,000 hours into a fight class, plugin, and profile leveling me from 1-60 that I wouldnt, if ever, die for silly reasons or be OBVIOUSLY detected visually by everyone around me? No? Well then are you willing to say that the client is to blame? Do you need better documentation to help you code a better experience for your customers? No? The client is perfect? You are perfect? Then why cant I BG right now in retail with your profile in the classic relaunch here in a few weeks? Why cant I WRobot in retail? Because the content is based on an imperfect client creating imperfect plugins/fightclasses/profiles.

    Just be logical.
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