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About Whathefak

  • Birthday 02/04/1991

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  1. i dont know why he is buffing him self with lay on hands instead of BoK ...any idea ?
  2. 787 downloads

    all ya need is in the pictures :} i think is the best profile from me at this time
  3. Version v1.2


    Its my first FC, and i would like to share it with u guys enjoy, test it and share ur comment Thanks to @nonstop1005
  4. Nop where u write the mailbox click once with mouse, it should be added if there is some coords on name mailbox
  5. Version 1.1


    If u want only mining farming uncheck ur herb farm, if u want only herb should unchek mining Kun Lai - Townlong Steppes, Herb Mining Added more Spots to the blacklist ! Nodes : 100-140 p/h Kill : 0/30 p/h Deaths : 0/5 p/h Mailbox : Yes Repair : Yes Horde Only
  6. 1127 downloads

    Jade Forest Mining + Herb + Mailbox-Repair, horde side Nodes : 150-230 p/h Kill : 0-10 p/h Deaths : 0 p/h
  7. Try to add those spots to the blacklist
  8. download an addon from curse or wowmatrix called auto repair
  9. This is not 100 % AFK'ble, you have to switch profiles manually. After 150 skill they are tested and work pretty well to me, Took me about 30-60 min per profile to get max skill. Fly Mount Only Take me some time to make this... is not much but for some ppl will help alot, there will be no ally version for now cus i dont have an Ally. If theres is any problem with any profile tell me, ill fix it, if u cant by ur self. If you appreciate my work, u can donate some amount, not necessary, but every1 knows, there is no free jobs https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=kretenche%40yahoo%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Whathefak%20Profile&no_note=0&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest Pictures included for any profile 1-600 Mining Horde.zip
  10. U can't do that for now, there is same question about proffesions, after reaching 75 skill to load profile to the trainer and than to load the profile after 75 skill, to be 100% AFK
  11. 887 downloads

    Im using DK lvl 80 Blood and its going pretty well Nodes : 100-160 ph Kills : 30-60 ph Mail : Yes Repair : Yes Horde : Yes Ally : Yes
  12. 529 downloads

    Uldum profile for mining, thats the short version ! kills 0-10 per hour Nodes 90-120 per hour mailbox + repair + Ally,Horde side
  13. 511 downloads

    Townlong Steppes Mining ! Kills 20-50 per hour Nodes 100-140 per hour Mailbox added No repair Horde Side
  14. Townlong Steppes Mining ! Kills 20-50 per hour Nodes 100-140 per hour Mailbox added No repair Horde Side MoP Ghost Ore.xml
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