Greetings, I request the help of the community to try to guide me on a change that I want to make
My pj arrives at the seller, sells but he has some resetas in the bags that have no monetary value so they stay in the
bags and accumulate and space is wasted, is there a way to erase those worthless items?
At the moment I am doing it with a macro, the plan is to be able to use that macro in C # code
Modify a code that restarts the instances
I have a druid rotation to enter the instance in inviisible feline mode I enter Gundrak until I reach some of there when it touches
water it transforms into a seal and it is where in combat it kills the fish and farms them since they drop a lot of armor, when ends
it leaves the instance and goes to sell, that's why I want to add the macro to the C # code so as not to have to modify so many things,
I'm trying to make the configuration that C # code