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Everything posted by KnightRyder

  1. I think the cords he gave are for inside the garrison, not in frostfire.
  2. I would assume you could setup something like this in Quester, but I do not know how to do it :-/ I just setup the fishing bot for about 2hrs and turned in any that I had manually, then started fishing again.
  3. I assume that's how to do it. Kinda why I posted here. Would that macro work with WRobot? even if im alt tabbed or somehow not have my cursor on wow?
  4. So I've been trying to come up of a way to try and get WRobot to farm this. So far, best I can come up with is to setup a custom grinder profile by several of the known spawn points, and set it to harvest ID 239828 which is the Edge of Reality portal. Only other thing I can think of is just to somehow be alerted when it finds it. I would perfer to just have the bot stand in one spawn and wait for it to spawn, but I don't know how to get it to do that except with fisherbot, and that doesn't harvest anything. So I'm looking for input and suggestions from other people. Got anything to share?
  5. Sounds like spell priorities may be out of order. Also, if you want it to cast flame shock with it still on the target, need to just set a timer to cast it again and not with a buff condition (which most fight classes use)
  6. Go to advanced options and Security, turn off the exit if teleported.
  7. For my warrior, I have the stances setup like a buff. Exactly same as my Priest fort buff. Does that not work with monks?
  8. I think fighting back is ok, but not when the guy accidentally attacks you with aoe due to fighting mobs or hunter pet doing cleve, then you just keep after them even though they are not aggressive.
  9. Oh I see. It had 100 in there by default and since you cant go past 100, i thought it would never stop. I'll try that then, thanks. Edit: just confirmed it is working as you said.
  10. Yes, that is what I have done to fix issue. Just wanted to make aware of problem.
  11. I have tried entering a couple values (95, 99) into this field but the bot keeps going after it is 96 and even when it hits 100.
  12. Here is another example where it was just jumping on the mount. This time I moved and cast Bone Shield and it started going again. 18:22:26 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 18:22:26 - Path Count: 2 [F] 18:22:27 - Cast Death Siphon (Death Siphon) [N] 18:22:29 - Path Count: 2 [F] 18:22:31 - Cast Death Siphon (Death Siphon) [F] 18:22:32 - Cast Outbreak (Outbreak) [F] 18:22:33 - Cast Mind Freeze (Mind Freeze) [F] 18:22:34 - Cast Blood Boil (Blood Boil) [F] 18:22:35 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 18:22:37 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:39 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:41 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:43 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 18:22:44 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:45 - Cast Anti-Magic Shell (Anti-Magic Shell) [F] 18:22:46 - Cast Blood Boil (Blood Boil) [F] 18:22:47 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 18:22:47 - Cast Blood Boil (Blood Boil) [F] 18:22:48 - Cast Strangulate (Strangulate) [F] 18:22:50 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:52 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 18:22:53 - Cast Soul Reaper (Soul Reaper) [F] 18:22:55 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:56 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 18:22:57 - Cast Mind Freeze (Mind Freeze) [F] 18:22:58 - Cast Blood Boil (Blood Boil) [F] 18:23:00 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) 18:23:01 - Loot Varashian Vilefang 18:23:01 - Mounting aquatic mount Riding Turtle 18:29:50 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 18:29:51 - Path Count: 2 [F] 18:29:54 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 18:29:55 - Cast Blood Boil (Blood Boil) [F] 18:29:56 - Cast Outbreak (Outbreak)
  13. Came back to the bot today and it had mounted the water mount (sea turtle) and was just jumping. I assume it had been doing it for hours as this is the log: 12:46:12 - Player Attacked by Shattered Hand Flesh-Sculpter (lvl 97) 12:46:13 - Dismount [F] 12:46:14 - Cast Death Siphon (Death Siphon) [F] 12:46:15 - Cast Icy Touch (Icy Touch) [F] 12:46:17 - Cast Plague Strike (Plague Strike) [F] 12:46:19 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 12:46:21 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 12:46:23 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 12:46:24 - Cast Soul Reaper (Soul Reaper) [F] 12:46:26 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) 12:46:27 - Loot Shattered Hand Flesh-Sculpter 12:46:30 - Mounting gound mount Obsidian Nightwing 12:46:38 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) 12:46:39 - Dismount 12:46:39 - Mounting aquatic mount Riding Turtle [N] 12:46:45 - Path Count: 7 14:04:39 - Stop Grinder Complete 14:04:40 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 02h:29m:10s XP/HR: 28623 - 0 min Kills: 114 (45/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 85 (34/hr) Money/HR: 24g 29s 18c (60g 39s 23c) Honor/HR: 0 (0) Conquest/HR: 0 (0) I don't know what caused it or how to repeat it, but I have seen it several times. The profile I was using does have some water around that is deep enough to swim in. I assume it somehow detected that water, mounted up and moved a little bit then started trying to swim higher. Normally when I see it happen, I just manually dismount and it will continue on the profile. Just wanted to report it so people are aware.
  14. From the WRobot folder, open the Fight Class Editor, then Load whatever FightClass you are going to use, look for the Spell in the bottom right box, then hit remove spell like Danc68 says or once you highlight it you can check the Spell Settings for the option I mentioned.
  15. It sounds as if the option "Check if know spell, is useable and good distance" is set to false. I would suggest making your own new FightClass with one or two damaging spells, no buffs, just to test it out. I'd offer my FightClass for a mage but I only have Arcane. Also, have you tried using grinder instead of quester?
  16. Might try posting here: http://wrobot.eu/page/bug_tracker.html?sort_col=record_updated&sort_order=desc&per_page=100&filters[21][suggestion]=1
  17. 1159 downloads

    My fightclass I use with shadow priest. One with and without the level 100 talent Clarity of Power
  18. 19:26:45 - Loot Varashian Vilefang [N] 19:26:45 - Path Count: 2 [N] 19:26:49 - Path Count: 2 19:26:50 - Mounting gound mount Obsidian Nightwing 19:27:02 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:02 - Path Count: 4 19:27:02 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. 19:27:06 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:06 - Path Count: 2 19:27:06 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. [N] 19:27:09 - Path Count: 2 19:27:11 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:11 - Path Count: 4 19:27:11 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. 19:27:16 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:16 - Path Count: 5 19:27:16 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. 19:27:20 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:20 - Path Count: 4 19:27:20 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. 19:27:21 - Player Attack Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) [N] 19:27:21 - Path Count: 7 19:27:21 - Can't reach Varashian Vilefang, blacklisting it. 19:27:23 - Player Attacked by Varashian Vilefang (lvl 97) 19:27:24 - Dismount [F] 19:27:26 - Cast Avenging Wrath (Avenging Wrath)
  19. I'm not sure when it started, maybe with the update, but WRobot seems to be blacklisting things way too quick now. It seems to find the mob to attack, walk up close to it or sometimes even right on top of it, then blacklisting it and continuing on. Usually it gets too close and pulls it anyway so I wouldnt care much but I had another profile that this happened and it would rarely pull mobs.
  20. Added another leveling profile for Horde pre-garrison only.
  21. Version 1


    This profile is for 90's Horde characters fresh off the boat who have not opened their garrison yet. I found that when killing the Gronnlings for the quest [A Gronnling Problem] that you get huge XP from them. If you want to use this profile, I would suggest not turning any quests once you get this one. I get 891xp per kill unrested.. Most of my 90's have rested xp so this is 1782 XP per kill. Since they are fast respawn due to quest, I get a little over 300k XP per hour. You can't get ganked as it is phased (I think anyway) and any other Horde who will see you will just leave your phase after they do a couple quests and make the garrison. The downside of this profile is that you have no access to food/drink/repair unless you run to the nearest town or have repair mount.
  22. Oh and one other thing, the Mistcreep Mire profile, there is an elite wondering around named Khargax the Devourer, he may kill you from time to time. The XP is still worth it in my opinion though.
  23. Just wanted to let everyone know I uploaded several profiles that I use to level. Most of them farm specific mobs that reward higher than average XP. I have named them in a format of: [Level suggested] Zone - sub-zone (mob farmed)
  24. The "[96-97] Spires of Arak - Apexis Excavation (Melee, Apexis Guardians)" is the same as "[96-97] Spires of Arak - Apexis Excavation (Ranged)" except I do not have it set to attack the birds, only guardians. Melee classes usually have a bit of a problem with them. Also "[A][90-92] Shadowmoon Valley - The Nightmarsh" farms a specific mob but I didn't include it in parentheses. "[92-93] Gorgrond - Tailthrasher Basin - [sumptuous Fur]" will farm mobs for the Fur if you need, but if you just want XP, use the other profile for 92+ If you use the Writhing Mire profile, make sure you are fairly geared or use the Apexis Excavation for another level or two. I also suggest getting the Tavern/Brewery in Spires for the XP boost. You do not have to turn the quest in, just leave it in your log and abandon it later if you want to switch to the Smuggler's Run.
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