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  1. Hey, I've downloaded a couple of Hunter Fighclasses and they all keep spam buffing Trueshot Aura as Hunter. Idk why this is happening. Playing on Warmane Onyxia and don't know what I can do. Tried 4 different Hunter FC's, all spam Trueshot Aura cast and does not do anything else. Best Regards & thanks for the help!
  2. Hey wRobot Community, I am using wRobot mainly for my rotations, as on the servers I play botting will get you banned very quickly or immediately. But the wRotation Bot works on most of these Servers (I deactivated all automatic movement, just the Rotation in fights will be done from the bot) Anyone tested that on Turtle WoW and can confirm it does not get you banned? Or does TWow's Client detect WRobot automatically once attached? Best Regards & Thanks! :)
  3. Thanks a LOT @Droidzfor also adding 10.1.7! <3
  4. Sad so no use for the bot yet :/ But it's fine.
  5. @Droidz Yeah support for: 10.1.7 (51261) & 10.2.7 (55664) would be awesome! :)
  6. So far there is no version for it, normally it releases when the new Expansion releases on Retail (which it already did) but Droidz did not update the Bot yet, sadly :(
  7. Wondering the same :) @Droidz
  8. Hey Community, I re-subbed to WRobot just today and wanted to use the Version from the Title for a Legion Server. However I get this error when putting in my license: Can you help me @Droidz or anyone who knows a possible solution for this? Best Regards! <3
  9. Yes I am using it from time to time there. It works.
  10. Hey, the new Twinstar Cata Server "Athena" just launched. Did anyone try the Bot there already? Is it detected? Want to mainly use it for Combat Rotation. Best Regards! ;)
  11. Hey, I know a couple of people are already botting on Whitemane. How is it so far? Any bans yet? Im a bit afraid to use it on Whitemane for Herb gathering. Would appreciate your feedback! 🙂
  12. Hey, just wanted to ask if wRobot is safe for Moonwell.su new Realm x5 TBC. I only bot while I look at the bot so I dont AFK bot. Is the bot detected or working? Best Regards
  13. Website says its working for Shadowlands, but I see no support anywhere? No Profile Sections, no updated Download etc. Any update on this?
  14. They have two .MPQ Patches, however I am using a Default WoW.exe (3.3.5a, not customized)
  15. Hey, does wRobot work on KronosIV if you bot carefully? Or do they have a detection? Best Regards, Marvelino123
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