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    jamsho0t got a reaction from MeowRobot in Cooked on warmane   
    If the bot is a farmer (leather, fabric, fishing, it doesn't matter what) - first, before placing the bot - I recommend playing with your hands in the location for this bot, maybe the GMs will immediately see what the person is playing, maybe even teleport - you can say you will pass the check and when you place the bot - it may not be checked, example: in Tanaris I had level 20 fishermen standing for 20 hours a day, sometimes I brazenly placed them on the pier because I first "warmed up" the place by catching fish with my hands. They caught me because of the unrealistic amount https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=13755
    If the bot is just leveling up - I recommend "quester" Project X, but in some places it needs to be corrected - the level for accepting the quest is low

    I'll repeat again - they only ban after checks, for example, it happened several times that an unknown player appeared (without GM's notes) and was next to the bot for no reason (location not according to his level, etc.) - I just watched the behavior of my bot, but if you watch the bots - everything will be ok
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    jamsho0t reacted to Droidz in I need help with my fightclass thought lua code   
    No tested, but you can try this plugin :  CastSpellByName to Cast Macro.cs
    using robotManager.Helpful; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("CastSpellByName to /cast plugin loaded."); robotManager.Events.Events.OnCustomEvent += OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent; } private void OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent(string name, object[] args, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (name.StartsWith("SpellManager.CastSpellByName") && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var spellName = (string)args[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spellName)){ string luaUnit = null; if (args.Length >= 2 && args[1] is string) luaUnit = (string)args[1]; cancelable.Cancel = true; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(luaUnit) && luaUnit != "player") { Logging.WriteDebug("Casting " + spellName + " on " + luaUnit + " with macro /cast"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/cast [@" + luaUnit + "] " + spellName); } else { Logging.WriteDebug("Casting " + spellName + " with macro /cast"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/cast " + spellName); } } } } public void Dispose() { robotManager.Events.Events.OnCustomEvent -= OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent; } public void Settings() { } } I haven't tested, but this plugin should enable fight classes that use the bot method "CastSpellByNameOn" (which is the case for most fight classes) to force the bot to use "/cast ..." instead. Therefore, use this plugin with your fight class configured normally (without using "/cast").
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    jamsho0t got a reaction from elitecasaj00 in Cooked on warmane   
    If the bot is a farmer (leather, fabric, fishing, it doesn't matter what) - first, before placing the bot - I recommend playing with your hands in the location for this bot, maybe the GMs will immediately see what the person is playing, maybe even teleport - you can say you will pass the check and when you place the bot - it may not be checked, example: in Tanaris I had level 20 fishermen standing for 20 hours a day, sometimes I brazenly placed them on the pier because I first "warmed up" the place by catching fish with my hands. They caught me because of the unrealistic amount https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=13755
    If the bot is just leveling up - I recommend "quester" Project X, but in some places it needs to be corrected - the level for accepting the quest is low

    I'll repeat again - they only ban after checks, for example, it happened several times that an unknown player appeared (without GM's notes) and was next to the bot for no reason (location not according to his level, etc.) - I just watched the behavior of my bot, but if you watch the bots - everything will be ok
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    jamsho0t got a reaction from elitecasaj00 in Cooked on warmane   
    The problem is in the playing GMs who random check players in locations. I had some bots catching fish for weeks in Tanaris, the main thing is to watch your bots and sometimes play on it, for example, I caught fish with my hands in the same location.
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    jamsho0t got a reaction from xSaber in Cooked on warmane   
    The problem is in the playing GMs who random check players in locations. I had some bots catching fish for weeks in Tanaris, the main thing is to watch your bots and sometimes play on it, for example, I caught fish with my hands in the same location.
  7. Thanks
    jamsho0t got a reaction from sadawdawd in Не подключается к серверам   
    Походу хостер блокнул Россию, чтобы бот работал - запускайте vpn, бот соединяется с сервером и после запуска самого бота - выключаете vpn и бот продолжает работать
    У меня через vpn Германии все работает, запускаю как описал выше
    В логе иногда будут ошибки и надо будет отключить в настройках Path finder иначе бот будет останавливаться, до сервера пути тоже нет соединения
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