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Everything posted by Xsepria

  1. i will fix it and see if it helps, thank you!
  2. basically just started coding today, and i have no idea why my fight class is not fighting. it will cast the buffs just fine but no combat spells Ret Paladin.cs
  3. does this work in dungeons/raids?
  4. I will have to agree with Apexx on this one I have used AIO on almost every character ShadowPriest: does not apply dots RetPali: spams different blessings on the same people over and over again not only draining mana but also wont fight when its doing that Sub/assiRouge: does not even have which is just sad they are so easy to make DeathKight: The blood tank sucks cant keep agro to save its life and unholy just keeps backing me up even though i have free move and straight pipe on Mage: Fire mage just keeps spamming pyroplast does not do anything else Same with frost Warrior: Last but not least there warrior fight class auto charges and taunts which there is no option for And i have used Apexx's fight classes before they are 1000% percent better no doubt about it.
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