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  1. I wanted to mention this earlier, if you can port to drabl.nrend.and solo naramus as any 90 with a melee class find first boss that's purple (a nub'rkn).. if it melee him can melee anything, easy win if done manual not so much on pro, thanks anyone trying melee bug
  2. I saw something similar when I fresh max a melee alt for a solo test, this post here seems to be on the right track however I don't think I could get it going before doing something different: http://www.wrobot.eu/topic/598-melee-range-issues-re-npcs-wlarge-hitboxes/
  3. I used it on 8, there is direct x selection in wow as well(System settings prior to loading). I use dx11 but can choose 9. and 32 bit client allows a cap 'per say' on physical memory compared to 64; which is easier on the system if comp isn't the best to handle game content (otherwise revert to 64/though 32 was recommended I think in readme). I also used compatibility troubleshoot to find answer before and it runs compatibility mode for 8 fine. Make sure to have run as administrator up as always. Hope it helps, was there some certificate error recently as well, I didn't get that far. Oh, and go windowed.
  4. I noticed on a similar route same thing, it worked to do what others mentioned to go in general settings and auto loot section select chests or not.
  5. As far as I can tell, and I have received the hammer.. Is that pve'rs got small dmg compared to pvp'ers. I would be reluctant to pvp; pve-raiding, however- for it is what is= less offensive. Follow same precautions when dealing with economical profiling, as usual. The detection was for a rotation bot and I was just doing really well without it in arena and bg, rbg just by using curse addons modified.
  6. Version 1.0


    This is a Blood Dk profile for tanking in dungeons. If using for any pvp will need to cc on your own(grip manual in pve too). Death and decay needs to be set manually before a pull or in one if chance arises.(Death and decay is an aggro circle with 30sec cooldown/usefull on mobs sometimes) This profile helps maintain aggro naturally which is especially hard for blood dk in aoe situations. If you like the class or have suggestion please respond, I hope to make and share more if theres interest.
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