Hello Droidz! I have the same problem; I noticed that start happening with my profiles (All of them)
I had one that I use for level pets in a Pandaria zones, it was working great. Around a week (more/less) it start doing whatever the robot wants. And the other condition I noticed it’s that when I create a new profile it work for few (15 minutes to 1:30 hrs). But after few loops it goes to a different area/zone and get stuck flying up, up, up and more up...
Note: The other bug I found it’s that all the new profiles Always goes to the original profile path (The first I create for pandaria zones) and stay looping there instead of the route they suppose to go.
There is something happened with last updates or were setting up something wrong?
Note: It’s the same issue with all profiles.
Sorry for my English, I try to do my best. LOL!