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  • Conjure Water Spam

    • Version: All Product: WRobot General Type: Bug Status: Not a Bug

    After some searching, I am using a LUA code in the Fight Class posted by Droidz, but my character is still using the spell seemingly at random times until the bags are eventually filled with conjured items.

    LUA code used:

    local count = GetItemCount(5350);
    if (count <= 5)
    	local name = GetSpellInfo(5504);
    	RunMacroText("/cast " .. name)

    While visiting a vendor to purchase items (conjures while the vendor window is open):

    [F] 23:14:33 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:14:39 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:15:00 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:15:04 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    [F] 23:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    23:15:12 - [Regen] Started
    23:15:14 - [Regen] Use drink Refreshing Spring Water
    23:15:49 - [Regen] Finished

    After looting a killed mob (this occurs after every kill + loot):

    23:19:41 - [Looting] Loot XXXXXXXXXX
    [F] 23:19:41 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)
    23:19:42 - [Fight] Player Attack XXXXXXXXXX (lvl XXXXXXXXXX)
    [F] 23:19:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    [F] 23:19:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    [F] 23:19:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    [F] 23:19:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    [F] 23:19:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    [F] 23:19:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Frostbolt (Frostbolt)
    23:19:57 - [Looting] Loot XXXXXXXXXX
    [F] 23:19:59 - [Spell] Cast Conjure Water (Conjure Water)


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    Please disregard. I figured out what the problem was.

    &lt; is what is needed, though, as < makes the Fight Class no longer editable within the Fight Class Editor.

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    18 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Are you sure about your item id? (you can get bag items id in "dev tools" tab "tools".

    The IDs were always correct. I wasn't using the updated Fight Class. Using the one with &lt; works. The LUA code with < causes the Fight Class to no longer be editable in the Fight Class Editor.

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