Mage - Legion
10 files
Frost Mage
By camelot10
Based on
Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers.
My profiles
[Free] Legion Fire Mage 7.3 (Support all Talents)
By createdby
Free Fire Mage Fightclass
This is my Fightclass for Legion 7.3
All Talents supported
my favorite Talents is in the Pack
Feuer / Fire
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Please, send me a Screenshot and coordinates of the place where her problems have Reliable support !! Quick response and support Contact recording at any time via message !!
1-10 Simple Mage.
By Duckyz
Noticed there wasn't a level 1-10 mage fight class so I made this really basic one for grinder/questers with heirlooms, Two spells is more than enough, it will use Frostbolt and Fire Blast whenever it is off CD.
Used it on orc mage with a grinder pack and worked fine.
Feel free to make changes.
Enjoy :)
Frost Mage - Simplified (BradGh0st)
By bb1990
I made this profile after downloading one from Camelot (currently highest downloads) but it wasn't great and did loads of unexpected things. I have played Mage since WoW was released in 2004, game has changed a lot since then but still know my class so made a completely new fight class from scratch.
Key Points
Will always keep ice barrier up where possible. Ice block when less than 35% health. When ice block ends it will ice barrier at 35% health. If Ice block is on cool down it will cast cold snap then use ice block. Conjure refreshments if less than 5 remain in inventory. Will use ice lance when fingers of frost procs. Will use flurry when brain freeze procs. Icy veins and mirror image will be used whenever in combat and cooldown has finished. Possible Improvements
Enable time warp - Not that useful in single target DPS against non-elite mobs. Enable polymorph for extra mobs that aggro. Maybe add AoE attacks but these can complicate the bot. Single target is best for most bot products. I have only tested with level 98 and with artifact, artifact is not required and will skip and cast frostbolt instead if skill is not available.
Please make sure to set talents in screenshot or it may not work as it should.
Let me know if you have issues and I will try and fix them!
Mage - Fire 1.1 [BR]
By Bugreporter
Based on the recommendation of Icy Veins. Most Talents are supported. Artefact used. Food used.
Raid-Talent: (1 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1)
Quest/Grinding: (2,3,3,2,1,1,1)
Some spells are optional. See fightclass settings.
Time Warp: Not used in groups! Without this, used on >=rare mobs.
Mana Pudding (Hmmmm). If you cant cast Mana pudding (to high, to low) you must change
the spell 80610 to the Item-id you cast. change in the lua-option of spell Conjure Refreshment the number 80610 to the item-id you create. --Use Item: Apply most common Artefacts to you weapon.
Mage - Arcane 1.2 [BR].xml
By Bugreporter
Use the recommandations from Icy Veins. Talents 1,2,2,1,1,1,2.
Please check the options of the fightclass
Version 1.x. Awaitung your suggestions.
Legion Fire mage leveling by BetterSister
By BetterSister
Works all the way from 10 to 110 lvl. i've used it on both of my mages from 10-100+ and it works really well. At 100 lvl you can solo* any quest monster without issues
* = Not guaranteed but i didn't have issues
NOTE! Doesn't create food on its own
talents 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 (75lvl talent might be changed to Ring of Frost someday)
Mage - Frost 1.1 [BR]
By Bugreporter
Based on the recommendations of Icy Veins. Used talents: Used talents: ( 1[2], 2, 2[1], 2, 1, 2[1], 2 )
Talent 15:1 : Enable the Elementar in the settings
Talent 15:2 : Enable the Elementar in the settings
Talent 30:3 : supported
Talent 45:1 : supported
Talent 90:1 : supported
1.0.0 [PvE] Fire Mage Legion - d.large
By Dlarge
Hi together,
here is my first Combat Routine for the Insane Fire Mage in Legion. Pls test and give feedback.
enjoy and have fun!
Talents in Screenshot.