Kalimdor - Legion
20 files
[A] Kräuter sammeln auf der Azurmythosinsel / [A] Herbaslim Azurisle
By Feargewinnt
For an English description scroll down ?
Hi zusammen,
ich habe ein einfaches Kräuterkunde Profil erstellt auf Seite der Allianz.
Ort: Azurmythosinsel
Skill: 1-125
Einstellungen im Bot: Radius zwischen 300 - 500 setzen. Mob´s looten sollte man auf aus stellen, sofern keine großen Taschen vorhanden sind. Attack b4 attacked sollte man auf on stellen.
Derzeit ist noch kein Kräuterkundelehrer inbegriffen kommt aber noch.
Hi everyone,
I've created a simple herbalism profile on page of the alliance.
Location: Azuremyst Isle
Skill: 1-125
Settings in the bot: Set the radius between 300 - 500. Mob's loot should be put on out, if no large pockets are present. Attack b4 attacked should be set to on.
At the moment, no herbalist teacher is included but is still coming.
- kräuterkunde
- herbalism
- (and 3 more)
[Flying] Uldum Mining/Herb loop
By Hordepk
Profile is for use with flying only in Uldum. Used for gathering pyrite/elementium/cinderbloom/whiptail. Very fast way to level up mining, so many nodes. It uses a large outter loop.
[Mining] Silithus - Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystal
By XCow
Hi guys.
This profile is awesome for farming Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystal. I already used it for more hours than I can count and it works flawless. It can vendor, repair and mail items, both for alliance and horde.
I would recommend setting search radius to 2000.
In 1 hour you can expect to farm up to: (Prices are EU Avg.)
28 Arcane Crystal x 194,86g = 5456,08g
668 Thorium Ore x 1,48g = 988,64g
25 Truesilver Ore x 6,16g = 154,00g
942 Dense Stone x 0,06g = 56,52g
7 Azerothian Diamond x 5,00g = 35,00g
5 Huge Emerald x 4,86g = 24,30g
7 Blue Sapphire x 2,47g = 17,29g
5 Large Opal x 2,96g = 14,80g
7 Star Ruby x 1,15g = 8,05g
7 Black Vitriol x 0,75g = 5,25g
Total Gold per Hour = 6759,93g
I hope you like the profile and if you have any suggestions, just let me know :)
- mining
- thorium ore
- (and 2 more)
Whip Tail 1.0
By zerglling1
A basic Whip Tail profile, 185 LPH <loot per hour> With few ore spots, As well as Volatile Life. Ran 5 hours on High top no stuck, No issues for me , Sky Golem for best LPH
~ On my high pop realm on school mats sell very well since people need for Tresure Finding Potions a stack on my realm is roughly 850g/stk, Any issues ill adjust ,GL and Happy Farming^______^
Northern Barens (Ground)
By richmiller
Starts at Nozzlepot's Outpost. This is a profile for characters under level 60 to herb and mine. Not a ton of nodes but so far I haven't got stuck. If anything needs blacklisted let me know in the comments. Enjoy!
eXpt. [Mine] Un'Goro Crater 50-55 Flying - Thorium Ore (215)
By MoTeC
eXpt. [Mine] Un'Goro Crater - Thorium Ore
Hey Guys ;)
I have testing this profile many hours, editing the Waypoints to make them more efficent for a higher Income.
I use "Gathermate2" and "Route" - Wow Addons, that help me to make the route much better and faster.
I wanna Share this "Gathering Profile" whit the WRobot Community and i hope u enjoy.
Income - After 1h
340x Thorium Ore
397x Dense Stone
14x Arcane Crystal
5x Star Ruby
8x Azerothian Diamond
6x Large Opal
3x Huge Emerald
5x Blue Sapphire
Income Total - Not Availble
Check the AuctionHouse on your Server! For example, on my Server 1x Arcan Crystal ~ 300g.
You need them to create an Arcanite Bar, and this is s reagent for Smelt Enchanted Elementium.
Have Some problem whit that profile? Feel free to send me a Information and let me know if u found some Bug / Error / Stucking Sh!t and so on.
Happy Botting
Thousand Needles Stranglekelp Farm
By Warl0ckz
Version 1 of my Stranglekelp farm route. Because of the annoying herb it is to farm no one really bothers and so there isn't much competition and so you get some good gold. Approximately on my server a stack is 170G!
There are also a lot of mithril/iron/gold nodes on this route if you have mining. You should also add sungrass to your ignore list because it is up on the cliffs so the bot will try getting it. Flying mount should be disabled for this!
IMPORTANT - This route is underwater so you either need to get underwater breathing items/pots or do these quests.
This will give you underwater breathing and a speed increase when underwater. Your swim speed will be 108%, your running speed on the bottom of the ocean 160% and mounted speed at the bottom 240%. So this is by far the best way to do it - I farmed for 1 hr doing this and my results are in the screenshot.
For some reason though if it isn't running towards a herb it will swim up a little and not be on the bottom and that decreases it's speed. I did find a way to get round that by unbinding jump. However this then causes it to get stuck in a few places so I would only suggest this when you are at your PC and can alter the course every so often. I will continue to develop this profile to make a route where there are no obstructions on the sea floor so it can run all the way round as fast as possible.
As per the screenshot the route is the red line. I also put a green line on there to highlight that it would take more time to create a profile to use this area. There are many big holes in the green area so it takes a while to swim down and so overall you will get a lot less herbs.
Uldum Long version of mining
By Whathefak
all ya need is in the pictures :} i think is the best profile from me at this time
- mining
- elementium ore
- (and 2 more)
Hyjal obsidiam
By nonstop1005
i found 2 others for hyjal, but the flew way to high.. to much travel time for mining. no offense to anyone
Uldum Herbing Whiptail
By Whathefak
Im using DK lvl 80 Blood and its going pretty well
Nodes : 100-160 ph
Kills : 30-60 ph
Mail : Yes
Repair : Yes
Horde : Yes
Ally : Yes
Mining Uldum
By Whathefak
Uldum profile for mining, thats the short version !
kills 0-10 per hour
Nodes 90-120 per hour
mailbox +
repair +
Ally,Horde side
- Mining
- Elemenetium Vein
- (and 5 more)
By bradjohnson
Its a Lowlvl herb farming spot i throught together, start down by senjin it will make you follow the around durator
Mining 215-300
By badd614
First in my series of mining profiles.
Zone: Silithus
-Flying Profile
-82 nodes/hour
-Thorium Veins
Flawless Durotar Herb Farmer!
By Chaoticways
This bot circles the WHOLE durotar area, gathering herbs and mining ore if wanted(very scarce). This profile is one my latest, just became horde, have whole alliance series. IF YOU WANTTHE WHOLE HORDE SERIES WHEN FINISHED PM ME, I'll sale for $5 per person(CHEAP).
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="VZGTL3MHRF56Q"> <table> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Faction">Faction</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0"> <option value="Horde">Horde $5.00 USD</option> <option value="Alliance">Alliance $5.00 USD</option> </select> </td></tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynowCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form>
Ghost Mushroom Farm Un'Goro Crater
By Warl0ckz
This is a small ghost mushroom farm route. The route is through a cave in fungal rock and after messing about it is finally working without it getting stuck. This hasn't got a mailbox or a vendor but to be honest you won't really need it. To be honest I found running this profile for 1hr was good enough as I got quite a lot of stacks from it but it's not the best seller. I would suggest doing a 1hr run every so often depending on the demand on your realm I still have some left from a farm about 2weeks ago which was 1hr long. However on my server I can sell them for 30G each and with no competition for farming these it's easy gold.
Please leave feedback!
Mount Hyjal - Mining & Herbing
By Raphy
I was looking for an Obsidium Ore pfarming profile and as I have not found, I have decided to make my own.
It's almost the same of the one included by default :p
The route made :
Felwood Mithril N Herbs
By D3monic
Gatherer path for farming Mithril and or herbs in Felwood.
Feralas Herbs N Ore
By D3monic
Flying mount, Starts at Camp Mojache and ends there. Mailbox and herb trainer listed npc's not sure how well they work. Only one stick blacklisted so far.
Feralas Yeti Heavy leather (+ Silk Cloth) Skinning
By Asylum91
Heavy leather skinning profile in Feralas. Require flying mount. Profile gives high number of stacks heavy leather/thick leather/Silk cloth in hour. Approx: 200 loot / hr and most of the loot stack 20. With 100 slot free in bags it takes 10 hours to fill all bags
I recommend using making four macro and use it them on Wrobot options ->"My Macro"
/run for bag = 0, 4 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot) DeleteCursorItem() end end end
(That destroys all grey items from bags)
and for the other 3 macro change "ff9d9d9d" value to Sweet nectar, Wild Hog Shank and Greater healing potion
(That way you get most of the bags filled with leathers)
I do not use NPC or mailbox because they are unreliable in my hands.
Profile users should also use pause bot if player nearby option.
- Heavy Leather
- Silk Cloth
- (and 1 more)