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H&A 1-70 grinder one click outland v02

   (5 reviews)

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About This File

One click grinder made in quester profile for 8 races.


  1. Orc
  2. Troll
  3. Tauren
  4. Troll
  5. Human
  6. Night Elf
  7. Gnome (start in new trinkertown)
  8. Dwarft

Fight classes :

  1. Shaman(elemental) download
  2. Palladin(ret) download
  3. Druid(balance) download (updated!)
  4. Hunter(BM) download
  5. Rogue(assassination) download
  6. Monk(ww) download
  7. Warrior(arms) download (updated!)
  8. Warlock(affi) download
  9. Priest(disc) download


  1. 5 bags
  2. heirlooms
  3. Turn on "selling" in adv options (grey, white, green)
  4. check in advanced option "can attack unit in combat"

When u get 58 just go to outland and start "Outland" profile.


Full heirloom char can get like 35-38 in 7-8 hours.


70-90 grinder incoming!

I can make it for 1.x.x/2.x.x/3.x.x too. Just let me know in comments.

If u like my work, feel free to DONATE . ;)


What's New in Version outland v02   See changelog


Uploaded new fixed outland profile. (outland x02)

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Tried profile at Vanilla private server.

Profile is working. However it needs a fix, for now I found out that ID for the mobs to farm are wrong.

If someone has a idea how to make the bot learn spells it would be awesome


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Hey man! Great job on this. Im having same problem as Kootakun with botstate going from Quester to Battlepet all the time. Worked for while but now its not doing anything? Any ideas? Running UD in ogrimmar at level 10.

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For undead tolevel 13 only the female hillsbrad worgen is on the kill list, need to add the male one in yourself, other than that so far so good.

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lvl 27 orc, pathing into the alliance encampment in Stonetalon Mountains and dying over and over again.

I don't know where he's headed so can't manually "fix" it, will try to level up some manually and then see if he decides to change zone/pathing.

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