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[Druid] Balance - Leveling / Farming Beta 1.0.0

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About This File

Hey Guys, 

this is my first Fight-Class. After i didnt found any file with a working moonkin form i decided to try it myself. 

- always cast Moonkin Form when not mounted and entering combat
- casting moonfire and sunfire once per target
- added new moon, half moon and full to rota
- prioritized starsurge at 50 astral power
- casting Regrowth at 40 % health
- casting barkskin at 20 % health

Feedback and reviews are welcome and help me out to find better ways for rotation and more


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casting moonfire and sunfire once per target is the worst thing you can do. You need to keep moonfire and sunfite on the primary target. If more targets come around, you should apply sunfire on your main target, so it spreads out to the surrounded targets. Basicaly, you should check if all the tagets in a range of 8 yards from your primary target have your sunfire debuff. If not, cast it again on your main target.

On less than 4 targets you should only cast Solar Wrath and only use starfire on proc. Once more than 3 targets, use starfire en use solar wrath on proc.

Cast regrowth and check if you have the buff before to cast it again.

You should not wait to cast Barskin at 20 %, cast it at 65 %, it's a protection skill, not a life saver. In any case, you should cast it before you need regrowth or you cast it when, you have the regrowth buff.


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Thanks Pasterke,

will update the profile in the next days and see what i can do with your feedback. for farming only it was good enoug to casting once per target and so but you are totally right :)

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