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[Playingnaked] - Frost Mage - PEW PEW V1.0

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3 Screenshots

About This File

This was created mostly for BG/Honor grind farms.

  • Able to interupt casters/healers with 2 skills.
  • Able to USE - Frost nova if mele target's are close and Blinks
  • Able to Blink if stunned
  • Able to burst most dps
  • Able to make conjured food for any lvl every 30mints so you don't have to buy ( make sure you add the food name in your bot settings.) Also if some
  • Able to make conjured food table when joins a BG ( Currently not working right due to update - will fix this asap, make sure you disable it from setting as shown in the pictures

Please leave feedback so that it will help me

Improve it in the future with your comments!

What's New in Version V1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

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<p>I never rolled a Mage, but I got a friend's account with one today and tried your profile. The mage is 85 ilvl 388 equiped from LFR Dragon Soul.<br />
<br />
&lt;p&gt;It cant kill the Phyton Elites on the regular Jade Forest 85-90 grinder (which I think it's really bad for leveling anyway), keeps dying and it stays too close from the targets. Once again, never played a Mage before, but I think he's supposed to stay away from targets because of cloth, right?<br />
<br />
Tried another profile for 85 available here, grinding tigers and prcupines (lvl 84-85) It does a lil better, but It died a bit also.</p>

<br />
Overall it seems to cast everything you need, but the short distance is killing him ASAP.<br />
Thanks for all your efforts !</p>

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Load the profile. Then click on create figfht class. Then load FightClass and load the xml file.

Once loaded, click on convert to C#.

When done save the file with extension .cs instedad of .xml.


Open the saved file in Notepad. On top you see

public float Range { get { return 5; } }

Change the 5 in 40. Save the file. Start bot and load the just saved .cs file. The range will now be 40.

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