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[PAID] Shadowpriest 1-60 1.0.0

   (3 reviews)

About This File

Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. DO NOT USE ON TBC.

For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.


Installation instructions


How to get your transaction id

Go to your purchase email, which also contains your download link. Download the product and install it following the README.txt


Your transaction ID here is "1314324" you will need to copy this into the fightclass settings after purchasing it to be able to use it. Make sure the DLL file is extracted into your FightClass folder.
You do this by clicking on the little cogwheel icon after selecting the correct filename in your Fight Class (wRobot settings tab).
Scroll all the way to the top and enter the ID you received in your email:


If you use this fightclass to level, I recommend getting a Wand asap.

Priest’s are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
After coding for several weeks, I’m proud to present you with a priest fight class that contains the following:
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
- 3 different fighting rotations for below 20, below 40 and above 40.
Situational Spell Usage
- Uses all your spells, including Silence, Fear and Devouring Plague in appropriate situations.
Highly Mana Efficient
- Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial.
- Uses different heals at different percentages

Automatic Skill Detection
- Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot
- No need for anything on your action bars
- Can buff players around you
- Heals party members (can rezz them too)

This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. 

If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.



PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key


I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.


Check out my other Fightclasses

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


- authentication system bug fixed, this caused the server (and your client) a lot of load, PLEASE update

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

10 hours ago, polux said:

Paid for bot paid for fc paid for profile paid and re paid and dont forget paid again


That has nothing to do with this fightclass. You are free to make your own with the fightclass editor or the fightclass framework I released for free (if you know C#).

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"Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial."

Well then care to explain why it uses Mind Blast on a mob with 5% hp while you are having like 15% mana and the mob even is dotted? Other than that I really like the profile, but this is some bullshit.

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Below level 40:
- casts mindblast if you have no shield AND you turned off the good wand setting 
- you have "always mind blast" activated

Level 40 upwards:
- same, but ignoring the Good Wand setting

Wanding takes priority over these things under the following conditons:
- you aren't currently casting AND you are below 15% mana OR enemy health is below 20%

So to put it simply, that shouldn't happen. Now if you have frame lock activated in the fightclass options and your rotation time consistenly goes over 100ms (you can see this if you activate fight logging), I recommend turning it off or adjusting your game's settings in a way that will allow wRobot to use more CPU power (the rotation itself, just needs to be fast).

Just to be safe - I reuploaded the latest version I have available to Rocketr, you can redownload through your purchase link. I'm convinced that I have uploaded the rotation in this state before, but just making sure here.

Edited by Matenia
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I get a strange stutter stepping while trying to cast holy Fire at araound lvl 20-25.

The Bot tries to cast , moves forward a step, starts casting again.

I looks very suspicious

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Seems to just spam smite at level 20, am I missing something? Where are the DOTs and mind blast? doesn't seem to wand at all either.

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At low level, you wanna activate good wand in the settings, if you want it to wand more frequently.
Shadow-y rotation starts as soon as you get Mind Flay.

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On 3/17/2018 at 12:01 AM, flameseeker said:

I get a strange stutter stepping while trying to cast holy Fire at araound lvl 20-25.

The Bot tries to cast , moves forward a step, starts casting again.

I looks very suspicious

I lowered the range a while ago. Redownload - if it's happening again, join me on Discord so we can figure out what's causing this.

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23 hours ago, Matenia said:

At low level, you wanna activate good wand in the settings, if you want it to wand more frequently.
Shadow-y rotation starts as soon as you get Mind Flay.

Changed the settings and it is working great now! Thank you.  I do have a stutter step issue with holy fire though I just redownloaded the file yesterday.

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Hey matenia, loving the fight class so far.

I gathered from the comments that it doesnt use dots until lv 20? It appears to be wanding only at the moment (lv 10)

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Yes, dots are only used in the shadow rotation (as soon as you get mind flay).
It will smite/wand (primarily) depending on your current level and fightclass settings (good wand).

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Hey any way to make the bot use PW:S during combat whenever possible? It uses it out of combat fine, but during heavy pulls it seems to forget to use it. Renew seems to have the same issue.

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Also getting these stutterstepping issue with Holy Fire before fight starts. really annoying und looks absolutely conspicuous - especially when mobs are moving. any fixes possible?

And btw - any way to disable Mind Flay or fix to "spam" it? There is 1.1-1.5 Channeling Time left and he use it again, like 3-4 times in row - its burning mana down for nothing. He could instead using Wand.

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Try incrementing your latency. I will see what I can do about Holy Fire. 

However, if the bot interrupts mind flay after global this is likely a problem on your end. Faulty combat log events or playing with addons can cause this. 

Check how long your iteration takes. Might be worth it disabling frame lock in the fightclass settings or disabling your anti virus (or just trying to find the cause of the potentially slow rotation) 

Edited by Matenia
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Tried many things (reduced Latency, faster Rotation option, frame lock, V-synch on/off, all addons off. 

Nothing worked to fix that no waiting for channel til end.

Any suggested settings btw? 
What about latency, faster rotation option, attack before being attacked, movement option, calculate intertact/combat distance etc etc.
Mb some of these option r the issue?


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Don't reduce your latency, increment it. Don't use the fast rotation, do not turn v-sync off.
Don't use any of the "unlock FPS" options or anything like that. 

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Hey Matenia, is it possible to have Shadow word pain used before level 20? Is it one of the best dots in the game, and very mana efficient; no real reason not to use it before mind flay.

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I'll add it. I still think it's a waste of time and mana at low level but I guess I'll add it to be used when the Good Wand setting is activated.

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I'm having issues with using bambos 1-60 leveling guide with your shadowpriest fight class they both require a rocketr i.d. # and i don't know if you can type multiple ids in the same box! please help ? ty in advance

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