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[Free] BetterTalents 1.0.0

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About This File

Use Case:

You level your character but something keeps you checking it, preventing you from the ultimate AFK experience that all these Quester/Grinder seller promise you. You guess it right, its the talent assignment.



  1. Assign Talents for the primary spec
  2. All Trees are configureable
  3. Pet talents also configureable
  4. You can configure the order of trees to be skilled


How it works:

In the plugin settings you can find options for all 4 trees (Tree 1-3 and Pet). The format follows the these rules:

  1. The order is from left to right, appended by the next row
  2. Each character in the sequence is the number of points that you want to assign to that talent, i. e. 0-5.


The configuration for the retribution paladin tree: https://truewow.org/talent-calculator#sVVzZVZVfbtbIuhdIfsu

FirstTree = 3

SecondTree = 2

ThirdTree = 1

Tree1 = 050501

Tree2 = 05

Tree3 = 05232051203331302133231331


Note: Tested for 3.3.5, but the API calls that are used also exist in Cata, TBC and Vanilla. I don't know if it works for other versions.



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