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Rogue - Combat v4b [BR].xml Version 4b

   (1 review)

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About This File

Combat Rogue

See in your Logfile (debug=on), if you have all Talents/Spells.

Most of the spells are optional and can be enabled/disabled in the options of the Fightclass (see screenshot), because not all spells are useful under all circumstances. You dont want use shadowstep, if there is a big deep firehole behind the boss.

Just for training: Try to enable the --Poison Management. Its off per default.

Nagrand Mount Support:

All fights can be done mounted. But, because wrobot did not support Frostwolf War Wolf and Telaari Talbuk at the moment, only wrotation makes sense. With other Products you will be unmounted

Blade Flurry on Raid: (default on)

Mostly it works fine.

- More then one = Blade Flurry on.

- If there is only one target or a Raid Marker (like Skull) on the target = Blade Flurry off.

Sometimes Blade Flurry is on, but no second Mob is insight (i.e. Oregorer ). In this case you have

- to edit the fight class,

- go to the third Blade Flurry entry

- and add the npc id to the ignoreNPC variable. (comma separated)

Iron Trap: (default off)

Will be started if the mob is at 55% health (elite) or 95 % health (normal). There is a moblist (KillBeast) with Wetland Riverbeast,Wetland Trampler,Thorncoat Talbuk,Ironhide Clefthoof, and Ironhide Bull as default. Add your favorite Mob (npcid) to the KillBeast variable (comma separated) , if you want more or other .

Have fun.

What's New in Version Version 4b   See changelog


  • v4b:
  • - FIX: Blade Flurry (didn't work in 4a)
  • v4a:
  • - NEW: full Nagrand Mount support (Horde and Ally)
  • - NEW: Evasion (small changes)
  • - CHG: Code beautifying and optimizing
  • v4:
  • - NEW: Nagrand Frostwolf War Wolf Support
  • - NEW: Feint (is a spell is not kickable)
  • - NEW: Evasion (if health under 50 % and you are the target)
  • v3b:
  • - CHG: Better AOE Raid support (Blade Flurry with ignore list)
  • - NEW: Iron Trap (with kill list)
  • - CHG: some small improvments (start attack, sprint)
  • - NEW: Shuriken Toss support
  • v3a:
  • - FIX: Stealth repaired.
  • v3:
  • - initial WoD release.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Great job for pvp. I'm using this profile for some hours. It would be perfect if it uses Feint in the rotation.

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Please tell me, when (in which situation) it is a good time to use Feint ? I cant't detect AoE, so I need other parameters to use it. (i.e. before killing spree (that kills me sometimes in Raids, because I cant escape from the AOE while this ;-) )

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The "perfect" it will be using with the talent point that make the skill to reduce damage. There is not possible to put it to spam? Like after each five or seven seconds (seven with the glyph). If it's not possible, so, in the middle of the rotation, like, after the second or the third Sinester Strike? Or after the Eviscerate, when finish the rotation. In this last case I'm not sure if it will be 100% time with the Feint, but it'll be really great. And in the case none of this help, sorry, it's because I don't have any ideia of how bot works.

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I cant count, because I dont want use global variables (detectable), but I have changed "-- Kick Spell" to "If spell is not kickable, and feint is not on then start feint".  A spam of feint are only the third or forth best idea... you loss 20 energie every 5-7 sek....


Hmmm, maybe i could span, if the health go less then 45%. If health less then 50%, then evasion starts. if I get damage after this, the damage came from behind or AOE or magic. This is late but not to late...(i hope)


...I have to think....

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Hmm, i've tested it a few days, and it does sinister strike every time its needed. (if the Mob lives long enough)


In which cases do you have the problem?

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