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Legion Fire mage leveling by BetterSister 1.0.1

   (3 reviews)

About This File

Works all the way from 10 to 110 lvl. i've used it on both of my mages from 10-100+ and it works really well. At 100 lvl you can solo* any quest monster without issues

* = Not guaranteed but i didn't have issues

NOTE! Doesn't create food on its own

talents 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 (75lvl talent might be changed to Ring of Frost someday)


What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Whoopsie! Now it will actually use Flamestrike and not sit there and die!

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I started with the PVE that was available for download and was thinking ' wow mages suck at level 100'.   I downloaded this a couple days later and I am smoking whatever attacks me.

Flame strike takes forever to cast with multiple adds.  If I could change anything I would only do flame strike after a freeze then blink. Other then that, rock solid rotation! 



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On 25.9.2016 at 9:45 PM, Mara25x said:

Thanks a lot BetterSister.

Quick question, would it be possible to set timewarp to execute only on bosses?

You can add condition target is boss ttue


On 13.10.2016 at 5:07 PM, Vanguard said:

I started with the PVE that was available for download and was thinking ' wow mages suck at level 100'.   I downloaded this a couple days later and I am smoking whatever attacks me.

Flame strike takes forever to cast with multiple adds.  If I could change anything I would only do flame strike after a freeze then blink. Other then that, rock solid rotation! 



I tried adding it but i couldn't get the bot tell if target is frozen cuz few API entrys were broken. Could work now but i can't work on it cuz i don't have wow account

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