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Autoequip Better Items 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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this is my Version of an autoequip Plugin.

Better Items are choosen based on the pawn-stats from noxxic(7.1).


This is the first release, problems and errors are to be expected.


!!!WARNING: This plugins auto-accepts all BOE Confirmations.!!!

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I haven't had a chance to see this in action yet-however i do have a question: Will the bot be able to equip lower armor types if it deems them as an "upgrade".  Aka- will my warrior/DK want to equip cloth if the stats are there to tip the score over the current equipped item?

I have a wow addon that achieves a similar outcome to this and found that i needed to scale armour value much higher to avoid my plate wearers just equipping everything they found.  I had a rude shock when my blood DK decided to equip some Ilvl 845 BoE epic cloth shoulders he picked up with my addon before i changed the values to stop this happening..

While i can agree you shouldnt be running this type of addon / plugin on a lvl 110 bot in the first place-just thought i would ask. 



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Hi, currently i am using hard-coded values like this:

  { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Blood, "Strength=9.06, MasteryRating=3.06, Stamina=12.06, HasteRating=7.56, CritRating=6.06, Versatility=4.56"},
            { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Frost, "CritRating=6.06, MasteryRating=4.56, Strength=9.06, HasteRating=7.56, Versatility=3.06"},
            { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Unholy, "CritRating=4.52, MasteryRating=6.02, Strength=9.02, HasteRating=7.52, Versatility=3.02"},

then i calculate some kind of itemscore for each equipped item and look for something better in bags.


if i have some time, i would like to create a configuration option to make these things user-defined.

and you are right.. maybe the armor-type itself(plate,cloth,leather..) should be in my calculation - thanks for the idea :)

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6 minutes ago, wow1 said:

Hi, currently i am using hard-coded values like this:

  { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Blood, "Strength=9.06, MasteryRating=3.06, Stamina=12.06, HasteRating=7.56, CritRating=6.06, Versatility=4.56"},
            { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Frost, "CritRating=6.06, MasteryRating=4.56, Strength=9.06, HasteRating=7.56, Versatility=3.06"},
            { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Unholy, "CritRating=4.52, MasteryRating=6.02, Strength=9.02, HasteRating=7.52, Versatility=3.02"},

then i calculate some kind of itemscore for each equipped item and look for something better in bags.


if i have some time, i would like to create a configuration option to make these things user-defined.

and you are right.. maybe the armor-type itself(plate,cloth,leather..) should be in my calculation - thanks for the idea :)

Ah ok- makes sense.  mine has values like this where i was able to weigh armour heavily to stop the random equips..


        elseif (spec == "Blood") then
            weapons = "2h"
            weighting = {Strength = 1.05, Agility = 0, Stamina = 0.5, Intellect = 0, Spirit = 0,
                         Armor = 1, Dodge = 0.5, Parry = 0.5, Block = 0,
                         SpellPower = 0, SpellPenetration = 0, Haste = 0.8, Mp5 = 0,
                         AttackPower = 1, ArmorPenetration = 0.005, Crit = 1, Hit = 0.15, 
                         Expertise = 0.3, Versatility = 0.8, Multistrike = 1, Mastery = 1, ExperienceGained = 100,
                         RedSockets = 0, YellowSockets = 0, BlueSockets = 0, MetaSockets = 0,
                         HealingProc = 0, DamageProc = 0, DamageSpellProc = 0, MeleeProc = 0, RangedProc = 0,
                         DPS = 2}

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