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Announce Interrupts LUA script


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Hello, I want to implement in my addon an announce that writes in party when I get interrupted in the Holy school, so I created a frame, registered event "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" and checked for the "SPELL_INTERRUPT" firing. Works good, nothing to complain.

Problem is Penance, not only is a channeled spell, but also it belongs to "Discipline" school, which doesn't exists in the wow school database (only Holy/Nature/Shadow, etc) but I think this is not a real problem. The main problem is with Penance (didn't test with other channeled spell but I believe it's the same), in the /eventtrace, I don't see the "SPELL_INTERRUPT" firing, when kicked.

I see only something like "SPELL_FAILED" but that fires even if you stop the spell manually (for example 1 tick penance fake cast).

So how can I keep trace of the Penance (and other channeled spells) being interrupted?
I found only this and of course it has no replies or solutions: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/1622868793

Thanks for reading

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