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Anticipation Buff Stacks - Not Working


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Hi again.


I'm all but ready to release my subtlety profile but for one MAJOR problem. Banging my head into a wall atm.


I've attached a watered down / test profile with only a few abilities. The ones with the issue.


The abilities are simple with a couple of conditions.


I don't and can't use a Combo Point alternative to fix this due to the nature of my actual profile, so please bare that in mind.


The idea is it will hemo until 5 anticipation buff stacks (condition = smaller than 5) and then it should apply a 5 anticipation buff stacks slice and dice > 5 anticipation stacks rupture and if both of these are up it will use 5 anticipation stack eviscerates.


I have literally no idea why this isn't working.


I had it working yesterday and managed to overwrite the profile after about 3 hours work and since then I just can't fix it.


Would love any help. Profile is attached.


It is important to test it on a dummy for at least 2/3 minutes. Sometimes and it is rare but sometimes it will actually apply some finishers but then just stop and resort to spamming hemorrhage.


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If you can try this "Lua Script" condition (instead of "buff stack" condition)


Lua Script:

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015); 
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); 
ret = count;

Return value research: (if you need 5 buffstack)

Return value var: ret

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If you can try this "Lua Script" condition (instead of "buff stack" condition)


Lua Script:

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015); 
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); 
ret = count;

Return value research: (if you need 5 buffstack)

Return value var: ret


ps: I haven't HL rogue I cannot test it.

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Alright excellent. That works well, is there anyway to modify that to say 'less than' or 'more than' similar to combo point condition?


I attempted < 5 and a few others but to no avail.

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Alright excellent. That works well, is there anyway to modify that to say 'less than' or 'more than' similar to combo point condition?


I attempted < 5 and a few others but to no avail.


For it:


Lua Script:

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015);
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);
ret = 0;
if count < 5 then ret = 1 end

Return value research1

Return value varret


in lua code replace "if count < 5 then ret = 1 end" ligne by "count <= 3" for smaller or egal at 3, "count < 2" for smaller at 2, "count > 1" for bigger at 1, ...

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Could you use a similar script to check for duration of spells?




local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(*INSERT SLICE AND DICE HERE*);
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);
ret = 0;
if duration <= 3 then ret = 1 end


Would this refresh slice and dice if under 3 seconds?

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Try it:

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(5171);
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);
local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();
ret = 0;
if expireTimeLeft <= 3 then ret = 1 end

(replace 5171 by your spell id)

Others sample http://wrobot.eu/page/bug_tracker.html/_/buffspell-reuse-after-r156.

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Thank you - that works for Slice and Dice.


I tried the same for Rupture: -

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943);
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("target", nameSpell);
local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();
ret = 0;
if expireTimeLeft <= 2 then ret = 1 end

Changing 5171 to 1943 for the spell and UnitBuff("player", nameSpell) to UnitBuff("target", nameSpell) but rupture won't work.


Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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You need to use UnitDebuff:

ret = 0;
local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943); 
if (not nameSpell) then return; end
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitDebuff("target", nameSpell);
if (not expirationTime) then return; end
local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();
if expireTimeLeft <= 2 then ret = 1 end

ps: I have also added codes to avoid lua error ("if (not nameSpell) then return; end" and "if (not expirationTime) then return; end") this var can be nil.

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Hey, I must have been wrong about Slice and Dice yesterday.


Testing both and neither are working.


My slice code: -

local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(5171);
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);
local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();
ret = 0;
if expireTimeLeft <= 6 then ret = 1 end

return value research: 1

return value var: ret


and my rupture code: -

ret = 0;
local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943); 
if (not nameSpell) then return; end
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitDebuff("target", nameSpell);
if (not expirationTime) then return; end
local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();
if expireTimeLeft <= 6 then ret = 1 end 

return value research: 1

return value var: ret

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Alright, amidst the chaos I managed to have a '>' instead of '<' which I also pasted into several key abilities thus breaking my rotation.


Problem solved for now.


I have a couple of issues from doing a full siege clear that need ironing out and an aoe problem (again) but I'll make a new post for these problems. Otherwise the profile is looking golden so I should be able to get a release shortly!

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