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More AOE Issues (Yup!)


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      <SpellName>Crimson Tempest</SpellName>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionUnitNear">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Slice and Dice</Name>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Shadow Dance</Name>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Crimson Tempest</Name>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
            <LuaScript>local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015); 
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); 
ret = count;</LuaScript>


      <SpellName>Fan of Knives</SpellName>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionUnitNear">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Slice and Dice</Name>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Shadow Dance</Name>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">

I'm using both of these abilities with the highest priority in my rotation. Neither of these work no matter how many adds are near my character. I have tried a profile with only these 2 abilities and they work but for some reason neither of them work at all when placed in my full rotation / profile.


I'm attaching my full profile (which does have known issues) if anyone doesn't mind having a look for me.


Much appreciated.

Wayne - Sub With Vanish ANTICIPATION 3.xml

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You can't because the profile will continue with the rotation the second it gets 5 CP.

It would be fine if it worked but the profile attached just doesn't use are spells, not sure what the problem is.

I don't want the user to have to manually use AOE. At that point I may as well remove AOE functions entirely. It seems to continue to use single target abilities on my profile and ignore the 2 abilities, 'fan of knives', and 'crimson tempest'.

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Is there no possible lua work around for this?


So a lua script condition for Crimpson Tempest and FoK that may use the equivalent of 'hostile unit near' - they are highest in the priority and still refuse to work, not sure why.

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