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Boolen, string Dictionary array

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I am trying to redo my PvPtools with adding custom states but i am having a little problem with buying item via string , boolen.

i am trying to use my settings bool to buy the item if the settings is true. but i am not understanding how to get it to buy the item while using a boolen. 


error : parameter 'number' of 'Vendor.BuyItem(string, int)', i understand i need a string + int amount but how do i get it to check before buying using boolen?


public static class AllianceGems

        private static Dictionary<string, bool> Mains = new Dictionary<string, bool>
            { "Majestic Zircon", true},

        public static void BuyingGems()
            foreach (var item in Mains)


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public static class AllianceGems

    private static Dictionary<string, bool> Mains = new Dictionary<string, bool>
        { "Majestic Zircon", true},

    public static void BuyingGems()
        foreach (var item in Mains)
            if (item.Value)
                Vendor.BuyItem(item.Key, 20);

If you want use list with ammount to buy:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using wManager.Wow.Helpers;

public static class AllianceGems
    private static List<System.Tuple<bool, string, int>> Mains = new List<System.Tuple<bool, string, int>>
        //                       BuyOrNot, ItemName      , BuyNumber
        new Tuple<bool, string, int>(true, "Majestic Zircon", 20),

    public static void BuyingGems()
        foreach (var item in Mains)
            if (item.Item1)
                Vendor.BuyItem(item.Item2, item.Item3);

Final code look like:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using robotManager.Helpful;
using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
using Buy = System.Tuple<bool, string, int>;

public static class AllianceGems
    private static List<Buy> Mains = new List<Buy>
        //    Item1,    Item2         , Item3
        //    BuyOrNot, ItemName      , BuyNumber
        new Buy(true, "Majestic Zircon", 20),

    public static void BuyingGems()
        foreach (var item in Mains)
            if (item.Item1)
                var currentCount = ItemsManager.GetItemCountByNameLUA(item.Item2);
                if (currentCount < item.Item3)
                    Logging.Write("Buy " + item.Item2);
                    Vendor.BuyItem(item.Item2, item.Item3 - currentCount);


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