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Reapply DoTs


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I am having an issue where I can't get my rend to only be used when the duration ends on the target. It either spams rend or I can set it to apply only once per target but then if it misses it doesn't use it again. For my heals I have it set to Buff time left and that works perfect to reapply renew when it has 2 or less seconds left. But I can't find a condition that is the same for debuffs on targets.

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Hi, if you want to check if your target has a debuff, you can use ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("buff name"").

In your situation, you simply could use.

if (!ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Rend"))
	// Cast rend

This will ensure that Rend is always up on your target.

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