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I want basically to blacklist everything except ores and herbs for mailing to my alt, however i can't input more than about 1800 items in the blacklist, i've tried editig the general settings code but when i paste all the items in the blacklist (4900) game crashes like there is some sort of limitation so i have two questions:

1. Is there a smarter way of making bot mailing only selected items and selling everything else

2. if not how can I insert more items in the mail blacklist?



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To try to fix this, I made a plugin that manages the "Do Not Sell" list automatically.

Instead of loading a huge list, the plugin updates the "Do Not Sell" list based on what’s actually in your bag.

Edit the _doNotSellList list in the C# to include the items you don’t want to sell :

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using wManager.Wow.Helpers;

public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin
    private List<string> _doNotSellList = new List<string>
        "item name to not sell 1",
        "item name to not sell 2",
        "item name to not sell 3",
    public void Initialize()
        robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (engine, state, cancel) =>
            if (state is wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown)
                var bagItems = Bag.GetBagItem().Where(i => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Name)).Select(i => i.Name).ToList();
                foreach (var itemNameToNotSell in _doNotSellList)
                    if (bagItems.Contains(itemNameToNotSell))

    public void Dispose()

    public void Settings()


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