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How can I find the time remaining on a buff/debuff?


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First off, I just started using WRotation and I wanted to say thanks. I really like a bot that allows me to write me own profiles.


I'm trying to write a profile for raiding on feral druid that uses the icyveins.com rotation for 6.0.2.


Is there a way I can check a buff or debuff for it's remaining time?

For instance, I would like to be able to refresh Rip at less than 7 seconds on my target's buff.

I'm using the Rotation Creator to design this and cannot seem to find an acceptable option.

If not, is there a way to find this "time remaining" using a lua script or something?


Also, how do profile creators deal with casting healthstones below a specified percentage?


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Look this code: 
In you case (for spell http://wod.wowhead.com/spell=1079 (id:1079)), to check in your target if remaining time has less than 7 secondes add this lua condition:

local name = GetSpellInfo(1079);
_, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = UnitDebuff("target", name);
timeRemaining = expirationTime - GetTime();
if (timeRemaining <= 7) then retV = "1"; else retV = "0"; end




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