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Archaeology bugged


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When I start up Archaeology it switches from Bot > StopBotIf to Bot > Idle over and over and wont move, it was working fine and now all of a sudden its been doing this. Any adivce on what might be causing it? I think thats the log, but im new to this so I could be wrong.


Thanks in advance




LOG - 19 Mar 2013 21H28.html

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Im away from my desktop right now so i cant read the attachment, would you mind replying with the txt from the html document? Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

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[Debug] 21:28 - Log file created: 19 Mar 2013 21H28.log.html
[Debug] 21:28 - WRobot Version: 1.0.1 for wow: 5.2.0_16701
[Debug] 21:28 - Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[Debug] 21:28 - Lang: English (United Kingdom)
[Debug] 21:28 - D3D11 used
[Normal] 21:28 - Select game process: 3028 - Cal...
[FileOnly] 21:28 - 
[Normal] 21:28 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
[Normal] 21:28 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (294 spell found)
[Debug] 21:28 - List of id found in spellbook: 6603 ; 59752 ; 83968 ; 83958 ; 125439 ; 76273 ; 83964 ; 134732 ; 119467 ; 83966 ; 83941 ; 54197 ; 20599 ; 674 ; 78632 ; 90267 ; 118483 ; 83951 ; 83944 ; 83960 ; 79738 ; 20864 ; 90265 ; 78633 ; 78635 ; 83943 ; 117983 ; 20597 ; 118076 ; 20598 ; 83950 ; 76297 ; 115913 ; 118021 ; 13750 ; 8676 ; 13877 ; 2094 ; 108212 ; 1833 ; 31224 ; 121411 ; 26679 ; 1842 ; 51722 ; 1725 ; 5277 ; 2098 ; 8647 ; 51723 ; 1966 ; 703 ; 1776 ; 1766 ; 408 ; 51690 ; 1804 ; 921 ; 14185 ; 73651 ; 73981 ; 84617 ; 1943 ; 6770 ; 121471 ; 114842 ; 5938 ; 114018 ; 1752 ; 5171 ; 76577 ; 2983 ; 1784 ; 121733 ; 57934 ; 1856 ; 13852 ; 114015 ; 84654 ; 35551 ; 2836 ; 31209 ; 86092 ; 58410 ; 76806 ; 82245 ; 131511 ; 58423 ; 79096 ; 1860 ; 108209 ; 113742 ; 61329 ; 3408 ; 2823 ; 108211 ; 5761 ; 110503 ; 8679 ; 8676 ; 2094 ; 108212 ; 1833 ; 31224 ; 121411 ; 26679 ; 1842 ; 51722 ; 111240 ; 1725 ; 32645 ; 5277 ; 8647 ; 51723 ; 1966 ; 703 ; 1776 ; 1766 ; 408 ; 1329 ; 1804 ; 921 ; 14185 ; 73651 ; 73981 ; 1943 ; 6770 ; 121471 ; 114842 ; 5938 ; 114018 ; 5171 ; 76577 ; 2983 ; 1784 ; 121733 ; 57934 ; 1856 ; 79140 ; 114015 ; 84601 ; 121152 ; 51667 ; 2836 ; 31209 ; 14117 ; 86092 ; 58410 ; 76803 ; 82245 ; 131511 ; 58423 ; 1860 ; 14190 ; 108209 ; 113742 ; 79134 ; 8676 ; 53 ; 2094 ; 108212 ; 1833 ; 31224 ; 121411 ; 26679 ; 1842 ; 51722 ; 1725 ; 5277 ; 2098 ; 8647 ; 51723 ; 1966 ; 703 ; 1776 ; 16511 ; 1766 ; 408 ; 1804 ; 921 ; 14183 ; 14185 ; 73651 ; 73981 ; 1943 ; 6770 ; 121471 ; 51713 ; 114842 ; 5938 ; 114018 ; 5171 ; 76577 ; 2983 ; 1784 ; 121733 ; 57934 ; 1856 ; 114015 ; 2836 ; 79152 ; 91023 ; 31209 ; 51701 ; 86092 ; 31223 ; 58410 ; 76808 ; 82245 ; 131511 ; 58423 ; 1860 ; 79147 ; 108209 ; 31220 ; 113742 ; 110406 ; 104381 ; 818 ; 110403 ; 20219 ; 131474 ; 110420 ; 31252 ; 110393 ; 80451 ; 75207 ; 60025 ; 98204 ; 60114 ; 61229 ; 41514 ; 22719 ; 127286 ; 59650 ; 470 ; 48027 ; 22723 ; 127287 ; 10969 ; 25953 ; 59569 ; 127288 ; 458 ; 6648 ; 41515 ; 97560 ; 88990 ; 32239 ; 84751 ; 32235 ; 90621 ; 127295 ; 127302 ; 127308 ; 127293 ; 127310 ; 120822 ; 120395 ; 26056 ; 72807 ; 63956 ; 107845 ; 103195 ; 41513 ; 472 ; 127289 ; 41516 ; 127290 ; 130092 ; 59961 ; 32240 ; 10789 ; 66847 ; 8394 ; 10793 ; 32242 ; 43900 ; 23229 ; 102346 ; 23221 ; 32290 ; 23219 ; 23227 ; 32292 ; 32289 ; 23338 ; 23228 ; 44151 ; 59571 ; 41517 ; 41518 ; 88331 ; 26055 ; 
[Normal] 21:28 - Initialize Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:28 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Normal] 21:28 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Battle Pet Training, Id found: 119467, Name found: Battle Pet Training, NameInGame found: Battle Pet Training, know = True
[Normal] 21:28 - Loading Digsites.xml
[Normal] 21:28 - 261 Archaeology Digsites Zones in the data base.
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:28 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Error] 21:28 - Error injection

[Normal] 21:28 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Settings Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:29 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Normal] 21:29 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Error] 21:29 - Error injection

[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Dispose Archaeologist Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Initialize Gatherer Complete
[Fight] 21:29 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Normal] 21:29 - Start Gatherer Complete
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Navigator] 21:29 - Long Move distance: 6445.928
[Error] 21:29 - Error injection

[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Gatherer Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Gatherer Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Gatherer Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Dispose Gatherer Complete
[Normal] 21:29 - Initialize Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:29 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:29 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Normal] 21:29 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:29 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Error] 21:29 - Error injection

[Normal] 21:29 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:30 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Normal] 21:30 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:30 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Normal] 21:30 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:31 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Normal] 21:31 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Error] 21:31 - Error injection

[Normal] 21:31 - Stop Archaeologist Complete
[FileOnly] 21:31 - 
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True
[Fight] 21:31 - Loading Fight class: D:\Games\Robot\WRobot\FightClass\Combat Rogue.xml
[Normal] 21:31 - Start Archaeologist Complete
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Sinister Strike, Id found: 1752, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Killing Spree, Id found: 51690, Name found: Killing Spree, NameInGame found: Killing Spree, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Adrenaline Rush, Id found: 13750, Name found: Adrenaline Rush, NameInGame found: Adrenaline Rush, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Lifeblood => Failed
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Recuperate, Id found: 73651, Name found: Recuperate, NameInGame found: Recuperate, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Kidney Shot, Id found: 408, Name found: Kidney Shot, NameInGame found: Kidney Shot, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowstep => Failed
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Poison, Id found: 2823, Name found: Deadly Poison, NameInGame found: Deadly Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leeching Poison, Id found: 108211, Name found: Leeching Poison, NameInGame found: Leeching Poison, know = True
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:31 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Lake of Stars Digsite px=0.38767290115356 py=0.69175159931183
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Emperor's Approach Digsite px=0.483578145504 py=0.54944050312042
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=The Underbough Digsite px=0.32869881391525 py=0.41206008195877
[Debug] 21:32 - Digsite zone not found in database: Name=Shanze'Dao Digsite px=0.22576820850372 py=0.25350701808929

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Not sure why it bugged like this, the digsite xml file needs to be updated ill have droidz take a look at it, in the meantime, under tutorials, twizt3dkitty wrote an advanced guide on how to add digsites to the database manually. I recommend looking at that for now. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

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Currently they miss digsite zones in pandaria. You need to add manualy ( ) or wait update. If you add zones, can you share your database with me please ( data/Digsites.xml )
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droidz, the digsites.xml file is controlled by package manager - base correct?


Yes is controlled by package manager, and changing size of file not ask update (package update is request only when I update zip file on server) .

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