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Druid gathering bug


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Alright, so when I use gatherer on my druids, sometimes they will get to a node and hover over it. I'll be sitting there for a decent while, then (usually), just fly off. BUT, if I grab agro, I'll hover without the flying off, and just die.


The hovering doesn't happen very frequently, but it just acts like I'm not close enough to be on the ground. I think the issue is just with Flight Form, when I set them to use my Sandstone Drake, it has never done that.


[Navigator] 04:21 - Download map "Expansion01\Expansion01_19_34.tile"
[Navigator] 04:21 - Load finish: C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_19_34.tile
[Navigator] 04:21 - Download map "Expansion01\Expansion01_20_34.tile"
[Navigator] 04:21 - Load finish: C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_20_34.tile
[Navigator] 04:21 - Download map "Expansion01\Expansion01_19_33.tile"
[Navigator] 04:21 - Load finish: C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_19_33.tile
[Navigator] 04:21 - Download map "Expansion01\Expansion01_20_33.tile"
[Navigator] 04:21 - Load finish: C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_20_33.tile
[Navigator] 04:21 - Path Count: 3
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:21 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:22 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -1145.742 ; 6641.52 ; 93.64656 ; None
[Normal] 04:22 - Player dead
[Normal] 04:22 - Player dead
[Normal] 04:22 - Player dead
[Normal] 04:22 - Player dead
[Normal] 04:22 - Player dead



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I gather on two druids. One is a tauren, the other is a troll. The tauren uses swift flight form, and troll uses regular flight form.

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Second this that druid in swift flight only hoovers when aggroed. He does fly away so he wont die. But Id like him to change to bear as my fightclass tell him to do when aggroed.

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