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not following premade path


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so I'm having issues with the pathing for the bot, I created my own profile added all mobs etc. and recorded my own path, however, when I click run it runs my path backwards but also is using its own pathing and not the coordinates I recorded, the issue is mine looks like a person and it is using the flying mount at about 2feet above the ground and pathing using the roads. did I miss an option I disabled use pathing in the advanced settings but it still does it. I also had the same issue when I tried one of the premade questing profiles I had to turn off flying mounts because it would hover just above the ground which no one flys like that

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I tried that and its still acting like a hoverboard, I'm currently creating a quester profile and it all seems to be working well aside from the traveling. I noticed an option that's follow path and decided to give that a try I made a test profile that should just fly to a spot and then stop. my code looks like this:

Runlua code> .....use flying mount=true(sopied from an example).

pulse> testflight.  (just had it record my path have forced to start at first position selected and have ttied both is hotspots and is loop )

stop bot>


when I run it it reads the first line skips over the flight and stops am I missing something with this test? i did try my profile with deselecting the use path-finder but i get more issues with long movements my latency is at 100 and its within the default latency settings heres a snippet:


[D] 21:03:50 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[3]: wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = true
[D] 21:03:50 - [Quester] Wait[5]: 6000 ms
[D] 21:03:56 - [Quester] New step (8): Killmobs>Pulse
[D] 21:03:59 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 21:04:00 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 5.604249
[N] 21:04:01 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 2.041516
[D] 21:04:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 21:04:02 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 2.427127
[N] 21:04:02 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 6.768142


so in this its skipping steps 6 and 7 but i did pause and restart the bot while testing is there a way to have it start fresh?



after messing with it for a few hours still cant seem to get it to stop hovering and actually fly higher ground mounts work fine but i cant get to a point by ground (essentially on top of mountain)so need to fly and having it follow paths instead of just flying up and straight to point looks really bad. i did notice it seems to fly up a bit at first then coast down then once it hits the ground heads back up slightly.  


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Can you share your profile please (you can send me profile by private message if you don't want share it in public). I don't understand why Wrobot want use "Long move" for 6 yards, can you try to install wrobot in new folder with default settings and test your profile (keep your old WRobot install).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Droidz,


i worked in the ast days also with this nice Bot but i have the same Prob.

The Bot fly not high enough. he fly little over the ground and if comes Mountains, he stuckt and hitting the Walls. The Way with the Grind Profile from Stormwind too West and Eastern Plaguelands are not good. 

it takes a lot longer than flying mount,.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same issue... The bot is flying a feet off the ground in most places, uses pathing like a ground mount (taking roads, but hovering), and has a hissy fit when it meets water or a cliff.

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Yeah still haven't figured it out and haven't received any solutions but ill definitely post if I figure it out I just don't see any options that can adjust the flight height. I did notice while testing the BC horde questing profile that it did the same thing except on one path it actually flew up so I may dig into that see if I missed something 

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Well I I made a small hack in CS code that makes my character mount up and press the the "Space" key before doing any flying.


I have to copy/paste it before any long moving, but it works :)



Here's the code:


<QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="if (!wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted)
                wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText(&quot;/cast &quot; + wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlyingMountName);
            }" />


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