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Auto-Accept Herbalism Quest?


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I made my own gathering profiles (you have excellent tutorials in the tutorials section, thanks!) and they've been amazing. I was wondering if anyone could help me with direction on how to add something so that when the new 'Profession Rank Quests' pop up on the right hand side of my UI that my character automatically accepts them? They're not given from any item looted or from any questgiver, it's just a random chance when I loot an herb or mine a node that I get a quest that gives the next rank of effectiveness--which would be very beneficial if I could accept when they appear. 

An example of one of the quests is: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=40017/a-slip-of-the-hand#comments. You can see that it's not given by a questgiver or item, it's just a random chance for the quest to pop up while herbing in general. 


If anyone could help me with this, I'd be super grateful. 



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