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How can I disable ALL movement from the bot?


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So, when I am in combat and lets say the unit is unattackable or behind me or something the player moves / turns to try and fix itself.  I don't want this.  If the bot is in combat, I don't want it to move at all even if my target is unattackable.  How can I do this?  Or, is there a way I can completely pause the bot in combat and unpause after combat? (I have my own rotation/combat manager that has sesperate from wrobot)


" [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on"  I want to disable this, I only want movement to happen if I specifically call .Move

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Use WRobot events:

            wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += (points, cancelable) =>
                cancelable.Cancel = true;
            wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMoveToPulse += (point, cancelable) =>
                cancelable.Cancel = true;

(run this code one time by session)

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