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Hello! I just recently bought this bot, but I cant seem to figure it out. I downloaded Eney's Horde Questing bot, just the trial 1-20 version, and I got an Elemental Shaman fight profile for my troll shaman. I set those two up and nothing happens, my character doesnt move, neither does my mouse. Any help would be wonderful.

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14 minutes ago, goknight57 said:

Hello! I just recently bought this bot, but I cant seem to figure it out. I downloaded Eney's Horde Questing bot, just the trial 1-20 version, and I got an Elemental Shaman fight profile for my troll shaman. I set those two up and nothing happens, my character doesnt move, neither does my mouse. Any help would be wonderful.

Typically mouse wont move as wrobot injects differently.  Is it just this profile- or all profiles where the bot wont move?

Either way A log file should be made for the bot session in the install directory- can you upload that?


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5 minutes ago, goknight57 said:

Seems like I got it working after switching out the fight classes, I'll keep you updated if I have any problems.

If its your first time ever using the bot- it may stop moving for a while the the console witll say something along the lines of "downloading mesh" which can take some time.  Meshs are needed for the bots pathfinding and i have found myself saying 'wtf...' many a time just to find the bot trying to make a path / download a mesh.


Also make sure you have those addons loaded as said in the profile description- otherwise you will hit a wall at ~16 unless you watch it like a hawk and assist.

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