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How would I go about doing this.
My plan is this.
Advertise in Trade.
When someone Whispers me with a keyword I invite them to party

When they say City name in Party I summon portal.

Then auto leave party after 30 secs after Portal Summoned.


Wouldnt mind being able to accept payments (just by donation) so auto trade would be nice



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You need to write a plugin for it. There is still one that reacts at chat messages, you could take a look at it.
It should be not that complicated.
1. Trade can be detected by event + name filter
2. A text parser(Regex) should do the rest

Here is a sample how i did it in one of my projects.

        public void Pulse(WaitChatCommand task)
            // Log
            Log.WriteDebug($"Waiting for chat command \"{task.ChatCommand}\" from {task.UserName}.");

            // Create channel
            Channel chat = new Channel();

            // Proceed until we have a match
            bool match = false;
            while (!match)
                    // Read chat
                    while (chat.ActuelRead != Channel.GetMsgActuelInWow && Products.IsStarted)
                        // Get message
                        Channel.Message message = chat.ReadMsg();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Msg)
                            && message.Channel == task.ChatType
                            && message.UserName == task.UserName
                            // Is a known command?
                            if (message.Msg == task.ChatCommand)
                                // Set
                                match = true;

                        // Wait
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Log
                    Logging.WriteError("[DungeonRobotActionCommand]: " + e);

I also took the existing one from @Droidz as sample.

About the invite.

        public void Pulse(InviteToParty task)
            // Still in the party?
            if (Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because {task.UserName} is in the party.");

            if ((Party.IsInGroup() && Party.CurrentPlayerIsLeader()) || !Party.IsInGroup())
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Invite {task.UserName} into the party.");

                // Invite player
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because we are not the leader.");

            // Log
            Log.WriteDebug($"Wait until {task.UserName} is in the party.");

            // Wait until the player is in the party
            while (!Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                // Wait

                // Invite player

There is some more stuff in it that you don't need but its just an example and I was to lazy and just copied some of my code :ph34r:
Hope that helps a bit.

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On 2/18/2017 at 5:26 PM, iMod said:

You need to write a plugin for it. There is still one that reacts at chat messages, you could take a look at it.
It should be not that complicated.
1. Trade can be detected by event + name filter
2. A text parser(Regex) should do the rest

Here is a sample how i did it in one of my projects.

        public void Pulse(WaitChatCommand task)
            // Log
            Log.WriteDebug($"Waiting for chat command \"{task.ChatCommand}\" from {task.UserName}.");

            // Create channel
            Channel chat = new Channel();

            // Proceed until we have a match
            bool match = false;
            while (!match)
                    // Read chat
                    while (chat.ActuelRead != Channel.GetMsgActuelInWow && Products.IsStarted)
                        // Get message
                        Channel.Message message = chat.ReadMsg();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Msg)
                            && message.Channel == task.ChatType
                            && message.UserName == task.UserName
                            // Is a known command?
                            if (message.Msg == task.ChatCommand)
                                // Set
                                match = true;

                        // Wait
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Log
                    Logging.WriteError("[DungeonRobotActionCommand]: " + e);

I also took the existing one from @Droidz as sample.

About the invite.

        public void Pulse(InviteToParty task)
            // Still in the party?
            if (Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because {task.UserName} is in the party.");

            if ((Party.IsInGroup() && Party.CurrentPlayerIsLeader()) || !Party.IsInGroup())
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Invite {task.UserName} into the party.");

                // Invite player
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because we are not the leader.");

            // Log
            Log.WriteDebug($"Wait until {task.UserName} is in the party.");

            // Wait until the player is in the party
            while (!Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                // Wait

                // Invite player

There is some more stuff in it that you don't need but its just an example and I was to lazy and just copied some of my code :ph34r:
Hope that helps a bit.

Damn, thank you for the explanation! Unfortunately idk how to code :(

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