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No fight classes for fun 255 servers

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Okay, so I have bought wrobot and play on a private WotLK 3.3.5a server. Currently, I'm using Fight Classes that are available, yet custom profiles for level 255 do not seem to exist. I'm trying to do Battlegrounds now with a mage, although I am able to grind some honor, I'm not really good. Actually, my mage is one of the worst players out there it seems haha.


Anyway, since my scripting skills are bad to say the least, I was wondering, if there are any profiles I could not find yet, that are fit for a level 255 character :) Any at all, for PvP. Would be awesome! Thanks in advance for the help.

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These realms are generally dead. Nobody plays on them and they're not the kind that anyone takes seriously. As such, you won't find any fightclasses for those realms. Especially since all of them work differently.

If you know how your class works, you'll find that without any coding skills, it's extremely easy to use the FightClass Editor to make your character do what you want it to.

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