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I've created a fightclass for my paladin while leveling, I want him to cleanse nasty debuffs... (the one I am trying to cleanse now is Toxic Saliva, spell ID 7125


he doesn't do nothing about it when I have

Return value research: 1

Return value var: result

but if I delete both those lines he just spams cleanse (it works but that's just cuz I've got it in the last spots in my priority list) 

my question is, what have I done wrong? :(

prot pala TBC dubbel wisdom.xml

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UnitBuff looks like this in TBC

local name, rank, iconTexture, count, duration, timeLeft =  UnitBuff(unit, buffIndex[, castable]);

UnitDebuff looked like this:

local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft  =  UnitDebuff(unitID, debuffIndex [, removable]);
local buffNames = {
	["Toxic Saliva"] = true,

for i=1,40 do 
	local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff("player", i)
	if (buffNames[name]) then


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2 hours ago, Schaka said:

UnitBuff looks like this in TBC

local name, rank, iconTexture, count, duration, timeLeft =  UnitBuff(unit, buffIndex[, castable]);

UnitDebuff looked like this:

local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft  =  UnitDebuff(unitID, debuffIndex [, removable]);

local buffNames = {
	["Toxic Saliva"] = true,

for i=1,40 do 
	local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff("player", i)
	if (buffNames[name]) then


you sir is a god among men.

worked perfect, so if I want more debuffs cleansed, do I have to do a new cleanse for every debuff? or could I add so it cleanses all poison/disease/magic?

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1 minute ago, Schaka said:

You just add the debuffname, like such:

local buffNames = {
	["Toxic Saliva"] = true,
  	["Shadow Word: Pain"] = true,


will be a long list... would it be able to do it with debuffType? 

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If you changed the code to not check for name but debuffType, sure.
But your table has to contain the debuffTypes then. 

You can use the History function on WoWWiki to read the old TBC API.

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