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Party bot questions

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Lets say I want to run a Warrior and Priest. I want the Priest to be set in Party while the Warrior runs the profile. The problem I am having is getting the Priest to heal the Warrior. I am NOT using the "Healer" product setting because I want the Priest to also attack when above xx% mana and to use wand until heals are needed(Observing Healer option on for even a brief moment screamed BOT right in my face. Healer option is not an option for me). But everytime the priest tries to heal the warrior it just ends up healing itself. It targets the warrior for a very brief moment before switching back to the mob that the warrior is fighting, so it switches to the warrior to cast heal, but before it has time to actually engage the heal it switches back to the mob, resulting in the priest spam healing itself..... How do I correct this?

Edit: I was thinking maybe a /target command right when spell gets casted. But I dont have a clue on how to go about that... yet.

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Have a look at McRos Priest profile, the CC iterates through party members and heals them if needed (also buffs them).


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Going to give it a try! Thank you! { Thought appears to be no Wand functionality )

EDIT: Still doesnt work. Does the same thing Targets the member that needs healed but immediately swtiches back to mob before the spell gets casted. Resulting in the priest healing itself( The only exception is when out of combat, then it usually heals itself on the first heal then the second heal usually hits the warrior). There is also something wrong with the range of that priest as its standing to far out. Is there a way to turn .cs back into .xml so I can edit it? Or is there no way to edit the files unless an .xml version is offered? So it actually works worse than the quick one I had thrown together. Im thinking its not supposed to be able to function correctly as a heal without be strictly set as healer. Though im very new and discover new things all the time here, so hopefully I figure it out

EDIT2: Also seems to be no mana conservation in that custom class either. Ideally I would want it to not spam smite until OOM. Id have it set to only cast above xx% mana so that mana is always there for a heal or two on the warrior. I think im gonna have to make my own to function the way I need it to. But, I dont even know if Wrobot is capable of such a thing let alone if IM capable rofl

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Hmm, odd.. I'll give it a test.

You can open the .cs file in notepad(i recommend notepad++) and edit it.

Replace the smite part of the combat rotation with 

        if (EquippedItems.GetEquippedItem(WoWInventorySlot.Ranged) != null && !Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Shoot")) + 1) + ")"))
            if (Shoot.KnownSpell)

You'll also need to add

public Spell Shoot = new Spell("Shoot");

into the file as well, maybe at like like 63... this should then get the bot to use the wand rather than smite.

I'll see if I can test the healing side of things later on.

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Tried to add in the wand but I must do it wrong. Once I load the profile it gives an error and then only follows and melees. I set all combat spells to require over 80%. That seems to atleast make sure mana is available when heals are needed. Now if I could get wand working I think I'd be set. Currently the heals are a hit and miss. Sometimes he heals 2-3 extra times once at 100% for example. But I figure that could be my slow Internet making it hard to determine what the % are right when a cast ends so it recasts thinking there is still low health.

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Thank you! Im understanding it way more now


Edit: ugh just can't get it to heal right. It spams switching targets when it needs to heal, between the warrior and the mob. Ends up healing itself almost always because of this. It's very inconsistent. I had a session that worked near flawlessly. Then sometimes I can kick it on and it's just derping.

Edit2: The first heal meant for the Warrior is ALWAYS casted on self. After that it seems to time the next 2 on the warrior as intended. ( while switching between the mob and the warrior the whole time. For someone watching with target of target on id assume this would be highly easy to spot as a bot.

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UPDATE: I think I have figured the healing out. Default latency setting was 150-500 I think. At first I tried going up, but it made it noticeably worse. So then I started going down. Best setting so far has been 1 - 1 ms.

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