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Fine tuning a 1-10 Druid profile

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Hi all,

Just got my hands on WRobot yesterday and have jumped right in. This is my first forum post, but I used to bot heavily back in the day and had some of the most downloaded grind and herb profiles, so I'm hoping to really contribute to the community :biggrin:

Had a go at my first FightClass (see attached) for a low level druid designed to get up to level 10, at which point I will write a 2nd bear form class. For someone brand new to this, with 0 coding experience, I'd say it's running fairly sucessfully. It will spam wrath, keep moonfire up and use healing touch and rejuvination farily sensibly, HOWEVER I am trying to iron out a few issues and could really use some help!

  1. Auto-attacking ignores my distance conditions - Seems to be turning on regardless of the conditions of distance or combat
  2. Auto-attacking either spams constantly or turns off - Either I turn on "cast once per target" and then it'll randomly stop using auto-attack in combat or I leave it on and it'll spam it (as if a player were constantly slapping the 1 key) Fixed as per additional posts
  3. Shadowmeld straight up doesn't run at all - Trying to set up Shadowmeld as a "use this ability when hp or mana low, and then wait until hp or mana is good"
  4. Weirdly my wrath combat initator seems to require me to be in combat (see the conditions) or else it wont cast Fixed as per additional posts

As I said, I dont know the first thing about coding, literally just using what seems to be a decent logic flow I mapped out on some paper, so any help would be super appreciated. Once finished I will post this for free in the scripts section.


NOTE: I'm not running any addons or macros

Cardio Druid.xml


Cardio Druid v0.2.xml

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Issue 2 - Fixed by deleting auto attack from the profile all together - other issues still remain;

Issue 4 - Fixed by changing priority

  1. Auto-attacking ignores my distance conditions - Seems to be turning on regardless of the conditions of distance or combat
  2. Auto-attacking either spams constantly or turns off - Either I turn on "cast once per target" and then it'll randomly stop using auto-attack in combat or I leave it on and it'll spam it (as if a player were constantly slapping the 1 key)
  3. Shadowmeld straight up doesn't run at all - Trying to set up Shadowmeld as a "use this ability  when hp or mana low, and then wait until hp or mana is good"
  4. Weirdly my wrath combat initator seems to require me to be in combat (see the conditions) or else it wont cast

Cardio Druid v0.2.xml

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If you want to achieve these things, you need to use C# and intercept events. You won't get far with (pure) XML.

If you enable food and drink in your general settings, the bot will enter a regen state. You can get it to cast Shadowmeld during that regen state by subscribing to states as follows (pseudo code, not fully tested).


FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (FiniteStateMachineEvents.FSMEngineStateCancelableHandler) ((engine, state, cancelable) =>
      if (state.DisplayName == "Regeneration")
        new Spell("Shadowmeld").Launch();

Your alternative is to disable regen in the general settings and set your own regen + Shadowmeld (not recommended tbh).

FightEvents.OnFightStart += (WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) =>
	if(ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage <= 35)
      ItemsManager.UseItem("Refreshing Spring Water");
      cancelable.Cancel = true;
      //cancelling events would also stop autoattack, but you cannot really achieve what you want, because you're stopping the entire fight


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Thanks Matenia. I'll have to look into C#, though at the moment I'm just using the GUI for profile building as I know nothing about coding.

From 1-10 I don't actually want to drink, just wait it out in Shadowmeld. Is this possible?

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Ah nice little work around there. Will give it a go and report back.

It would be nice to know why Shadowmeld won't work as intended though, I can't find anything wrong in the logic of - Top Priority spell = Shadowmeld IF out of combat AND health lower than amount x, especially given the rest of the class won't do anything until at 80% mana - but perhaps I'm missing something massively obvious?

Thanks for the help.

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