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Multiple rotation? (Loop/burst/Defensive)


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Hello guys!Just asking if its possible to create a multiple rotation,like 3 files,or one,with hotkeys into-game like this:

Rotation in loop: Normal attacks,normal rotation without burst spells.

Burst rotation: When we want,use hotkey to activate burst rotation file.

Defensive: When we want,use that to trinkets,dispels,movility,etc...

Thanks in advance for your attention.

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14 minutes ago, Lemke said:

Hello guys!Just asking if its possible to create a multiple rotation,like 3 files,or one,with hotkeys into-game like this:

Rotation in loop: Normal attacks,normal rotation without burst spells.

Burst rotation: When we want,use hotkey to activate burst rotation file.

Defensive: When we want,use that to trinkets,dispels,movility,etc...

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Yes it is.

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14 hours ago, Lemke said:

Thank you,

Any link or tutorial to do that?Just trying to do some rotations a bit more complete.

Personaly i'm using
BurstMode = strg
AoeMode = alt

Subscribe to event (needs to be in the constructor or initialize method NOT in the loop):

#region Events

bool burstMode = false;
bool aoeMode = false;

// Listen to events
EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += delegate (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args)

    if (id == LuaEventsId.MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED && args.Count == 2)
        //  Possible values are LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCTRL, RCTRL, LALT, and RALT
        string key = args[0];

        // 1 means that the the key has been pressed. 0 means that the key has been released
        int state = int.Parse(args[1]);

        // AOE mode
        if (key == "LALT" && state == 0)
            // Set status
            aoeMode = !aoeMode;

        // Burst mode
        if (key == "LCTRL" && state == 0)
            // Set status
            burstMode = !burstMode;


Use (in the loop):

// Burst?
if (burstMode && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat)
  // Do your burst stuff 

// AOE?
if (aoeMode && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat)
  // Do your AOE stuff 

Hope that helps.

Edited by iMod
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