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Nice to have (10 wishes to xmas...or faster)


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... the level of the Pets in the Logfile before (or after) the fight. like:

Player (23/25/25) Attack Wolf.


... Autopause if 25/25/25 (or another Comination (Settings)) is reached.


...Change of the first Pet after the first spell (Key 1, see posts before)


...Anonymising of the logfile. With the information of date/time and coordinations I think its simple to compare it with the Blizzard-DB


...Actions with the Pets without running to near to it. The Pet battle  could be startet with a range from ca. 10-20 m. Its not nessessary to run to the pets.


...Detection of "no space for a fight". If a pet battle wont start after the second try , it could be a good idea to do a few steps backward (at the moment) or forward (if "far-battle" (see above) is realisied).


...Autochange the first  pet. This take only sense, if point 3 of this list is realised, because the blacklist of spells are not realy needed any more. The autochange should be realised with a few parameters, like level-between-range and Pet-Type (its not a good idea to level beasts against mech-types :-) ) . Pets should be changed after the level is reached, or the pet is dead and no revive is possible (i.e. 7 min to next revive)


...pause, if first pet is dead and no rive/change is possible.


...pause, if all pets are dead and no revive is possible. Dont start to run/flight to he next position.


...pause for a minute or so, if at all positions no pet fights possible.


...hmmm....(to be continued)

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In the next WRobot update I have added pet battle fightclass system (in C# or VB.net), with this you can customize how to WRobot manage pet.


Sample of fightclass (default code):

using System.Threading;
using robotManager.Helpful;
using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer;

public class Main : FightBattlePet.IFightClassPet
    // Called every 1000 ms in combat
    public void PulseInCombat()
        if (!PetBattles.ActionSelected() && !PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent())

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FightBattlePet.LuaCode))
                Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 300);
                if (PetBattles.ActionSelected() || PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent())

            if (PetBattles.IsDeadPet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Ally, PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Ally)))

            if (TargetTypeIsWeaknesses())
            else if (PetBattles.GetNumberUsableAbility() <= 0)
            else if (PetBattles.GetNumberUsableAbility() <= 0 && !PetBattles.ActionSelected() && !PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent())
            else if (TrapUsable())
            else if (!FightBattlePet.PetBattlesDontFight)

    private Timer _timerAutoOrderPet = new Timer(-1);
    private Timer _timerSpellRevive = new Timer(-1);
    // Called every 200 ms out of combat
    public void PulseOutOfCombat()
        if (PetBattles.ConditionResurrectBattlePets)
            if (!PetBattles.ReviveBattlePets())
                if (PetBattles.AllPetDead())
                    ItemsManager.UseItem(86143); // Battle Pet Bandage

                    if (PetBattles.AllPetDead() && _timerSpellRevive.IsReady)
                        Logging.Write("[PetBattle] Revive Battle Pets spell not ready, wait");
                        _timerSpellRevive = new Timer(1000 * 20);

                        // Wait revive:
                        /*while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause &&
                            if (_timerSpellRevive.IsReady)
                                if (!PetBattles.AllPetDead())


        if (FightBattlePet.AutoOrderPetByLevel && _timerAutoOrderPet.IsReady)
            _timerAutoOrderPet = new Timer(1000 * 60);

    private bool TargetTypeIsWeaknesses()
        if (FightBattlePet.AutoChooseBestPet)
            var typeEffects = PetBattles.TypeEffects.Find(effects => effects.Type == PetBattles.GetPetType(PetBattles.PetFaction.Ally, PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Ally)));
            if (typeEffects != null)
                if (typeEffects.Weak == PetBattles.GetPetType(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy, PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy)))
                    return true;
        return false;

    private bool TrapUsable()
        bool conditionsTrap = false;
        if (PetBattles.IsTrapAvailable())
            if (FightBattlePet.CaptureAllPets)
                conditionsTrap = true;
            else if (FightBattlePet.CaptureRarePets)
                var quality = PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy, PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy));
                if (quality == PetBattles.PetQuality.Rare ||
                    quality == PetBattles.PetQuality.Legendary ||
                    quality == PetBattles.PetQuality.Epic)
                    conditionsTrap = true;
            if (FightBattlePet.CaptureIDontHavePets &&
                conditionsTrap &&
                PetBattles.PetJournalHavePet(PetBattles.GetPetSpeciesID(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy, PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetBattles.PetFaction.Enemy))))
                conditionsTrap = false;
        return conditionsTrap;
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